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Pantheon Build Guide by Edawg

Middle Heavier than my Spear is the weight of only One Life — PANTHEON BUILD

Middle Heavier than my Spear is the weight of only One Life — PANTHEON BUILD

Updated on February 3, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Edawg Build Guide By Edawg 4,727 Views 0 Comments
4,727 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Edawg Pantheon Build Guide By Edawg Updated on February 3, 2023
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Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Sudden Impact
Treasure Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
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Champion Build Guide

Heavier than my Spear is the weight of only One Life — PANTHEON BUILD

By Edawg
Pretty simple, poke with your Q anytime the enemy laner goes to CS. Once you get W look to hit the early lvl 2 all-in (you win the majority of those). Before you all-in make sure to poke them with a few Q's till their about half or 3/4s hp, then initiate with your empowered W and ignite them (this will get them as low as possible), next AA once or twice, and finish it off with an empowered Q for the finish. This strat works 90% of the time.

Keep in mind that your Q does extra damage when empowered by your passive and also crits the enemy when their below 20% hp, it is very busted and will help you shred.

Once you hit lvl 6 look to roam with your ult. I typically try to prioritize bot lane: wait till the enemy is pushed up past the halfway mark and ult in (try to get your bot lane to enegage alongside you). This will usually lead you or someone to pick up both kills, then you can rotate to drag or back to lane. ALSO, if your bot lane will not engage a fight then it is up to you to do so, when they see you go in to the 2v1 as a MAN it will INSPIRE them to follow up with you. As a Panth player it is your duty to spread positivity and inspiriation across the Rift no matter what. Be the change you wish to see in this game!.
At this point you should be pretty fed and, contrary to popular belief, Pantheon isn't so bad at this stage of the game if you got an early lead or even if you went even (of course there are some exceptions). Keep your head on your shoulders because your team is looking up to you, you are the HERO. Use your Farsight Alteration to get vision of objectives and always use control wards if you can. Focus the most fed person if you are ahead and if you are behind focus on peeling for your most fed person, don't be afraid to use your ult to rotate or to get to lanes quickly. If your team gets caught out in a 4v5 nothing can turn the tide quicker than them seeing you fall from the heavens as their savior. You will rally them to fight alongside you.
"I fight until blood takes the spear from my grasp, until I can only crawl. And even then, you will not defeat me, even then, I will spit in your face" - The Pantheon MINDSET
Read the quote above. You did? Good, now read it again.

This is the PANTHEON MINDSET! Do not surrender EVER. Even if all hope is lost never FF because he never would. Encourage your teammates to fight to the end, always lift them up and never put them down. Even if that Yasuo is 0/14 and your botlane has 20 deaths it is still your job to carry them! It is your job to say "GJ" in chat after they get that first kill. You are the hero, you have to give them something to aspire to. You are Pantheon, you're not just playing him.

If your team fed and you manage to lose the game it is okay, try and try again. Never become toxic to your team OR the enemy team. They are just player like yourself, don't treat them like dirt. Become the change you WANT to see in the Rift.

One last thing: as a Pantheon player it is always your fault. It doesn't matter if you were hard-carrying but still lost, that means it was your fault. You have to be critical on yourself, so critical that it hurts. EVERY LOSS is your fault. Why didn't you carry? Your team needed you and you let them down. DO NOT LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN, for their sake. Don't try to be better, just do better.
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