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Talon Build Guide by Johnny Fast

Jungle How to Carry with Talon [UPDATED]

Jungle How to Carry with Talon [UPDATED]

Updated on May 28, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Johnny Fast Build Guide By Johnny Fast 51 3 59,333 Views 1 Comments
51 3 59,333 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Johnny Fast Talon Build Guide By Johnny Fast Updated on May 28, 2023
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Runes: MID (best by far)

1 2 3 4
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Magical Footwear
Minion Dematerializer

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Champion Build Guide

How to Carry with Talon [UPDATED]

By Johnny Fast
My Credentials
I have 10,000+ games in CHALLENGER.

I know how to play Assasin's at the highest level.

Especially, Qiyana & Talon.

On top of that, I play Talon both MID and JUNGLE, so I know everything you need to know.

Let's get it.


1100lp Challenger 60% Winrate Proof

784p Challenger 59% Winrate Proof

781p Challenger 58% Winrate Proof

I currently have 4 accounts Challenger at the same time.

I suggest watching my YouTube & Twitch to learn more/faster.

Why Learn Talon?
If you like the fast IN and OUT gamestyle, you will love Talon.

Lowkey, when I play Talon, it reminds me of Assasin's Creed and it feels fun.

Talon is also not that hard to play compared to other Assasin's like Qiyana for example so I recommend starting with Talon if you want to learn Assasins's.

I'll show you the Combos you NEED to know when playing Talon.

WFQRA: This combo is the best to Surprise One Shot the enemy.

WRFPQA: This combo is the best in Teamfight for repositionning to make sure the W return hits and surprise the enemy with burst.

WRPQA: This combo is the same as before, BUT instead of using Flash to Redirect your W return, you use Prowler's Claw.

Ganking with Talon

RWQA: Make sure to wait before using your Q to surprise the enemy with your passive burst.

EWRQA: Use this when the enenmy is low HP. Just make sure you hit your R1 so you can easily proc passive.

You can also use Prowler's Claw to help you escape like this clip:

Mouvement is also really important when playing Talon so make sure you are practicing your clicks.
Runes explanation
I want to explain the thoughts process of the runes more in details so you can understand the logic behind it.

got nerfed twice since release and feels really bad right now. I would recommend testing it so you realise how bad it is.

feels the best on Talon due to him having the highest AD ratios in the game.

is good, but doesn't scale good at all, especially in teamfight with the new build. I recommend taking this when you start learning Talon.
The Chinese Talon
There's 1 guy who every Talon mains look up to.

I will talk about him a lot in this guide so I just want you to know who he is.

His name is Yedal, and he's the best Talon world by far. (Rank 1 on Ionia Server in China)

Here's a channel with VODs of him:

Let's get into the guide now.
Talon Jungle Pathing
This video explains the Pathing you need to know when you play Talon Jungle.

Phase Rush on Talon
  • Phase Rush

    Phase Rush is bait rune on Talon imo, it's really fun but you do no damage.

    I don't recommend it for beginners, but you should try it to see if you like the playstyle.
Prowler's Claw vs Eclipse

Prowler's Claw
- Massive Early Game Spike (more kill pressure)
- More combos to learn (more skill expression)

- Mid game item (Spikes Later)
- Easy to use (No active to think about)
- Best mythic passive of all Mythic Items
Duskblade on Talon
  • Duskblade of Draktharr

    If I was RIOT, I would buff Duskblade.

    Reality is, they're not buffing it.

    So, the item is completly useless.

    First off:

    The mythic passive is Ability Haste which scales terribly, because if you overstack it, it loses value the more you have it.

    Also, the passive damage is less than Eclipse & Prowler's.

    It only does more damage if you can kill multiple targets which doesn't make the difference between winning or losing a fight.

    Now I know what you're thinking.

    "But when you get a kill, you go invisible, and allows you to escape"

    Here's the thing, the number of times Duskblade actually saved someone from death is nearly 0.

    It looks cool, but it's useless.
Social Media
If you have any questions or suggestions, drop them in the "Discussion" tab and I'll answer you.



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