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Blitzcrank General Guide by xlidan

Support I Blitzcrank You (Suuport)

Support I Blitzcrank You (Suuport)

Updated on August 7, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xlidan Build Guide By xlidan 1,178 Views 0 Comments
1,178 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author xlidan Blitzcrank Build Guide By xlidan Updated on August 7, 2013
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Hello, My name is Xlidan and the reason i made this build is to help players that are having difficulty playing Support blitz. Blitz can be frustrating to play, but once you get the hang of him you'll be able to support your team to victory. As far as i remember i haven't lost a single game in 5v5 with blitz yet. i bought him about 2 months ago and been playing him in most of my games.
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
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The Masteries i go with is (0-9-21), getting the support items needed for early game and magic resist/ armor penetration for better effectiveness.
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Team Work

As a Support you should always go with the champ your adc is best with. Blitz crank is best if you playing againts non tanky supports like , , . Blitz wont be very good againts champions like , . So in ranked games you might want to see what the enemy adc or support is before deciding on which support you'll go.
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Skill Sequence

So i always start with my usual Health Potion, Health Potion Sight Ward and Vision Ward. Then get Tear of the Goddess, the purpose of this is because you're gonna need alot of mana, because you want to use Rocket Grab as much as you can when you have the chance.

In early game you want to let the enemy team push so you can use Rocket Grab to grab your opponents near the tower then use Power Fist to knock them up so the they get hit by few more tower shots.
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Hope This was a Helpful Build. Enjoy your new and improved Blitz.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xlidan
xlidan Blitzcrank Guide
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I Blitzcrank You (Suuport)

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