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Tahm Kench Build Guide by ZedAway

I’ll lick you until you love me | tahm kench support

I’ll lick you until you love me | tahm kench support

Updated on September 15, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ZedAway Build Guide By ZedAway 4,662 Views 0 Comments
4,662 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ZedAway Tahm Kench Build Guide By ZedAway Updated on September 15, 2024
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Runes: Daddy kench

1 2
Grasp of the Undying
Shield Bash
Second Wind

Cheap Shot
Ultimate Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2
Daddy kench summoner spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

I’ll lick you until you love me | tahm kench support

By ZedAway
I’m an experienced League of Legends player with a particular focus on tank and support roles. My expertise in Tahm Kench comes from extensive gameplay in both casual and competitive settings.

What are your credentials?
I have played Tahm Kench extensively in both the support and top lanes. I also enjoy participating in community tournaments where Tahm Kench’s unique kit can shine.

Why do you like this champion?
Tahm Kench offers a blend of tankiness, crowd control, and unique utility. His ability to save allies with Devour, deal substantial damage with his Tongue Lash, and provide substantial lane presence with his passive make him a versatile and engaging champion to play.


Versatility: Can be played in multiple roles (support, top lane, and occasionally jungle).
Engage and Peel: His abilities allow for strong crowd control and protection for allies.
Sustain: With his Q Tongue Lash, he has built-in sustain through heal on champion hit.
Devour : Can save allies or turn the tide of battles by removing an ally or enemy from play temporarily.


Mana Dependency: His abilities consume a significant amount of mana, making him vulnerable if he runs out.
Mobility: Tahm Kench is relatively slow and lacks strong mobility, making him an easy target for kiting.
Skill Reliant: His effectiveness is highly dependent on accurate skill shots and proper use of his Devour.

Team Composition (Synergies / Counters)

What team compositions does this champion fit well in?
Tahm Kench excels in compositions that require a frontline tank and those that benefit from his ability to peel and save teammates. He synergizes well with ADCs who need protection and champions that can capitalize on his crowd control, like high-damage assassins or mages.

What team compositions should you avoid with this champion?

Tahm Kench struggles in compositions that lack a clear need for a tank or when there is no synergy with his crowd control. He is less effective in compositions focused on heavy poke or siege without significant follow-up.

Are there any enemy team compositions / champions to avoid with this champ?

Tahm Kench struggles against high mobility champions that can evade his abilities or kite him easily, like Kai’Sa or Ezreal. Avoid teams with heavy burst damage if you cannot manage your cooldowns and positioning well.

Which runes do you usually take?

Primary (Resolve): Grasp of the Undying, Shield Bash, Second Wind, Revitalize
Secondary (domination): Cheap Shot, Ultimate Hunter

Aftershock: An alternative to Grasp if you prefer a stronger defensive option.
Unflinching: For increased tenacity and slow resistance if facing heavy CC.
In what situations would you use the other options?
Use Aftershock against teams with heavy CC or if you need extra tankiness. Unflinching can be a good option if you face lots of crowd control and need to remain mobile in fights.

Summoner Spells
What are your main choices of summoner spells?

Teleport (Top Lane) or Ignite/ Heal (Support Role)

Why are these generally the most useful?

Flash provides an essential escape or engage tool.
Teleport helps with map pressure and split-pushing in the top lane.
Heal offers extra survivability for yourself and your ADC in the support role.
Ignite: Useful in the support role for added kill pressure or to prevent healing.

In what situations would you use the other options?

Use Ghost if you need extra movement speed to catch or avoid enemies.

what support item should i use??

Celestial Opposition or Solstice Sleigh

Which items should you focus on acquiring early in the game?

always rush Heartsteel whenever possible, u can buy defence items before completing the first time.

Sunfire Aegis or Hollow Radiance depending on the enemy team main damage, it provides tankiness and more damage.

Thornmail or Frozen Heart (for armor and anti-heal)
Spirit Visage (for magic resist and health regeneration)
Which items are situational? When should you buy those items?

everything else is based on the matchups and who are you facing.

Ability Explanation

Q – Tongue Lash: A long-range tongue attack that slows and damages enemies.
W – Abyssal Dive: Tahm Kench leaps to a location, dealing damage and knocking up enemies.
E – Thick Skin: Tahm Kench gains a shield and can consume it to heal for a portion of the damage taken.
R – Devour: Tahm Kench swallows an ally or enemy, temporarily removing them from the battlefield.
Do you have any tips or tricks for these abilities?

Use Tongue Lash to poke and trade effectively in lane and stun when An Acquired Taste is fully charged.
Abyssal Dive can be used for aggressive engages or quick escapes.
Thick Skin should be used to absorb damage and heal up, particularly in prolonged fights.
Devour can be used to save allies from danger or reposition enemies.

Any common mistakes you see made with these abilities?

Misusing Devour and accidentally swallowing allies or enemies inappropriately.
Overcommitting with Abyssal Dive without proper vision or backup.
Not properly managing Thick Skin’s shield and healing effect, leading to wasted potential.
Lane Phase / Early Game

Are there any items / consumables important to this phase of the game?

Control Wards for vision control

which lane partners are good / bad to go with?

Good: Champions that are hyper carries that require engage tank support to win lane.
Bad: Champions that depend on scaling and farm and have weak early game.

What is your strategy for this phase of the game?

Support Role: Protect your ADC, poke the enemy, and use Devour to save or reposition, roam whenever your team need that extra help, and gank other lanes and roam with your jungler.

What should you pay attention to on the map?

Watch for enemy jungle invades or gank attempts.
Track enemy cooldowns and summoner
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ZedAway
ZedAway Tahm Kench Guide
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