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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Stage Presence (PASSIVE)
Seraphine Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Has high mobility and can probably dodge most of your skillshots. Windwall hard counters Seraphine's kit and make her less impactful in teamfights
Champion Build Guide
TP is also good if you are playing a farming lane
For the secondary tree, I chose ultimate hunter and cheap shot as they synergises well with Seraphine's kit. A fully stacked ultimate hunter gives your level 3 ultimate an extra 15 seconds cooldown, allowing you to use it every 54 seconds.
Presence of mind and cut down is also a good rune for Seraphine currently as it gives her more sustain and extra damage (Seraphine is one of the champions with the lowest base hp at level 18). But with the future changes in season 11, POM no longer gives extra mana and refunds mana on takedowns. Thus the domination tree will be my first pick for now and season 11.
1) Seraphine's AP ratio is very low (60% on Q, 30% on W and 35% on E), there are often times where she has 300 AP but deals 2xx damage so stacking AP will not be a good choice
2) Both builds give similar shield values and passive damage(unless you get deathcap)
3) Enchanter items are generally cheaper thus you can reach your power spike earlier
In general, there are only two core items in Seraphine's build, moonstone renewer and rylai's. The first item provides bonus ability haste and rylai's allows her E to root without double casting. DO NOT GET LUDEN'SThe rest are very situational, get redemption for the extra shield and heal, get banshee's when enemy has poke/cc and get mikael's to prevent your carries from getting cc'ed.
I am still thinking about the last item as games are often short and I don't get to build them. If you are duoing with a friend zeke's (for AD) and staff of flowing water (for AP) are both good. If you are soloqueing or want extra shield/damage get deathcap instead (it is 3800 gold though so you are not likely to get it anyways)
For boots, get Sorcs when you are unlikely to die or your teams needs some extra AP damage. Get tabis against AD heavy comp and get merc treads when facing AP/cc heavy comp.
Bear in mind that when facing an ad matchup its always good to get seeker's armguard as your first item as it gives you more survivability and you can upgrade it into zhonya's laterwards. This applies to many AP mages in general. I see people always ignore this tip in low elo and get smacked by their lane opponents.
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