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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Ability Sequence
Mortal Will (PASSIVE)
Pantheon Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Really tanky, anti-poke, and high damage. His silence makes trading with him nigh-impossible and his shield on W + Passive makes poking him down difficult. Typically the one I ban away.
Jax ganks are really good and you both cover each other's weaknesses.
Jax ganks are really good and you both cover each other's weaknesses.
Champion Build Guide

Right off the bat, you may wonder on the guide "Where's the lethality?" I'll explain.
Pantheon is a Champion that relies heavily on winning his laning phase and snowballing games out of control. However, in my many games of Pantheon, I've discovered that lethality can be very much hit or miss. If you aren't feasting, you're in famine, and if you're against a tank, prepare to get destroyed. Instead, I've found more success trying a far more bruiser-oriented build with a lot more tankiness. This enables you to play very forward and for your team while being nigh-unkillable with your E as well as built-in defenses while dealing more than enough damage to peel.
Anyways, Let's talk about Pantheon, and first up, we have to look at the base stats:

Health - 580 (+95)
Hp5 - 10 (+0.65)
Mana - 317.12 (+31)
Mp5 - 7.356 (+0.45)
Attack Damage - 64 (+3.3)
Armor - 40 (+3.75)
Magic Resist - 28 (+1.25)
Movement Speed - 355
Base Attack Speed - 0.644
Now, from the look of it, our spartan friend is obviously strong to be picked into an enemy who relies more on their AD than their magic damage. Try to avoid picking Pantheon into AP matchups to save yourself a lot of trouble, though some of them are still pretty safe (ex.

This leads into a few of the good and bad things you need to know about Pantheon as you pick him up.
+ Excellent early game
+ Easy execution
+ Good matchups against most meta top lanes at the moment.
+ Very durable with proper use of his

+ Map impact with

+ Excellent 1v1 / 2v2 potential.
+ Good waveclear once you have your

- Falls off damage-wise lategame.
- If you're building full damage, very squishy when

- High cooldown on

- Mediocre teamfighter
- Very vulnerable to ganks
- Immobile
- Mediocre when playing from behind
- Early waveclear is weak
As you get in, be sure to look to place a

Understand that in order to win the lane, you need to hit your level 2 powerspike as fast as possible. Use your empowered Q tap to clear away the caster minions quickly, as they pose a major threat if you are forced to trade blows early (Remember, a single attack from 3 caster minions hurts more than most champion auto attacks.) Once that is done, look to last-hit the remaining melee minions and prepare for level 2. As you are reaching the second wave of minions, don't waste your next empowered, instead look to all-in if you have health to do it.
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