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Recommended Items
Warding Totem Removed
Spellthief's Edge
Sweeping Lens
Mobility Boots
Vampiric Scepter
Zeke's Harbinger
Forbidden Idol
Aether Wisp
Ardent Censer
Fiendish Codex
Timeworn Frost Queen's Claim
Oracle's Lens
Seeker's Armguard
Zhonya's Hourglass
Boots of Mobility - Captain
Ruby Sightstone
Ability Order
Tailwind (PASSIVE)
Janna Passive Ability
Purpose of this specific build
Eye of the Storm is pretty much your greatest asset in lane. Very great for poking/trading the enemy ad carry with your empowered auto attacks everytime the cooldown is off. This does work against an enemy support too, but just remember that a support will generally have multiple Health Potions (or Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation) while the enemy ad carry will only have one ( Health Potion) and that it is better to put the ad carry behind than the support. Also note that it hurt the enemy team lane more if you go in to trade every time that the enemy ad carry is trying to last hit. This will guarantee either free poke or loss of gold for the enemy (all depending on their reaction). Just don't try this on a Blitzcrank, and note that Caitlyn is harder to trade with because of her considerable range (in order to breach that range, attack her through the fog of war in the brushes and land your cc).
Imagine a scenario where you are on Blue side and have effectively zoned the enemy in lane (as well as made some lane presence). They now are standing near tower trying to stay out of the range of your poke saying in relative safety with the comfort that they have a tower to retreat to. They did not ward the river brush because either you didn't give them the chance or you cleared it and the lane is now pushed so they didn't get another chance. What you do to be able to poke them even more without them running away is placing a Howling Gale in the river brush aiming right behind them, then you move back into lane towards them. Since they are trying to avoid your poke (as you have already made your presence clear throughout the laning phase) they will move backward and run into a fully charged Howling Gale allowing you to move in and get more poke off with your Eye of the Storm empowered auto attacks and your slow from Zephyr to chain some more autos. This strategy can work in other places, but this is just the best one. Also try to ward the enemy blue buff as much as you can to give your team information on the enemy jungler's location as well as the timer on the blue if you can get it. Try to get it in the bush if you can, but don't go too deep if it's too dangerous.
(If the image is hard for you to see, then right click it and press: "Open image in new tab")
(If the image is hard for you to see, then right click it and press: "Open image in new tab")
Greater Quintessence of Ability Power
Greater Quintessence of Armor
Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage
Greater Seal of Mana Regeneration
Greater Seal of Health
-You can run whatever mix of these that you want (4/5 seals 1/2 quints)
- Greater Quintessence of Armor pair well with some Greater Seal of Health.
Greater Quintessence of Ability Power
Greater Quintessence of Armor
Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage
Greater Seal of Mana Regeneration
Greater Seal of Health
-You can run whatever mix of these that you want (4/5 seals 1/2 quints)
- Greater Quintessence of Armor pair well with some Greater Seal of Health.
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