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Ability Order
Relentless Assault (PASSIVE)
Jax Passive Ability
I Just Started To Build This Guide So I'm Not Finished Yet.
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I think that JAX is an awesome LOL character. He can literally can destroy an army of all the champions and minions.(1 on 1) Basically if you can play JAX pretty good no one stands on your way. It is pretty fast to jungle with JAX. He can kill a dragon faster than any champion. One thing I really love about JAX is that he can stun enemies with lots of ways or he can jump on them to take the kill/ revenge of KS. XD XD
Over All I really recommend playing with JAX. He is the best melee champion to me.
Over All I really recommend playing with JAX. He is the best melee champion to me.
There are lots of advantages with JAX.
1) Jax's Q Leap Strike can be used on allies and wards, this means that if you place your wriggle's lattern down on the other side of the wall you can Q to it, basically a free Flash !!
2) When clearing camps make sure you leave Counter Strike on for as long as possible, this is because it will do more damage depending on the amount of attacks you've dodged, also you will take less damage from the camps.
3) Jax's W Empower is an auto attack resetter, this means that after you auto attack, use W, then your next auto attack will happen straight away. Timing this correctly will maximise your damage output.
4) When ganking, you can wait till the enemy uses Flash first before Leap Strikeing to them, this will mean the opponent has wasted Flash and has took damage too. ( This will not always work as some players don't panic, or if they are playing champs with a lot mobility such as Ahri and Lee Sin )
1) Jax's Q Leap Strike can be used on allies and wards, this means that if you place your wriggle's lattern down on the other side of the wall you can Q to it, basically a free Flash !!
2) When clearing camps make sure you leave Counter Strike on for as long as possible, this is because it will do more damage depending on the amount of attacks you've dodged, also you will take less damage from the camps.
3) Jax's W Empower is an auto attack resetter, this means that after you auto attack, use W, then your next auto attack will happen straight away. Timing this correctly will maximise your damage output.
4) When ganking, you can wait till the enemy uses Flash first before Leap Strikeing to them, this will mean the opponent has wasted Flash and has took damage too. ( This will not always work as some players don't panic, or if they are playing champs with a lot mobility such as Ahri and Lee Sin )
This is Jax's passive, Relentless Assault, it is rather nice for speeding up your jungle and makes Jax a nice duelist that can fight better in longer fights. Overall a nice passive.
This is Jax's Q, Leap Strike, it is Jax's only gap closer, but a very good one as it has a decent range ( about the range of Flash ), so even if your opponent flashe out, you can still catch up with them to secure the stun.
This is Jax's W, Empower, you will be maxing this first to reduce its cooldown and increasing its damage, this is a AUTO ATTACK RESET so timing it right would mean a quicker jungle time.
This is Jax's E, Counter Strike, this is what makes Jax's ganks deadly, it is a non skill shot and only requires you to stand NEXT TO THEM, also it is an AoE stun! This also makes Jax a very strong anti-carry because it dodges all basic attacks and reduces surrounding AoE damage. Use this ability to engage fights or to peel bruisers off your ADC ! Max this last because it does not increase the stun duration by leveling, so there's no point in leveling it.
This is Jax's ultimate, Grandmaster's Might, it gives Jax bonus damage after every 3 attacks, the bonus damage is MAGIC DAMAGE , therefore it works with SPELL VAMP ! The active of this ability makes Jax very tanky mid/late game, gaining him about 80-100 ARMOR and MAGIC RESIST ! :D This ability has a very low CD so it is always available in team fights. Put a skill in this a 6/11/16 ^^.
This is Jax's Q, Leap Strike, it is Jax's only gap closer, but a very good one as it has a decent range ( about the range of Flash ), so even if your opponent flashe out, you can still catch up with them to secure the stun.
This is Jax's W, Empower, you will be maxing this first to reduce its cooldown and increasing its damage, this is a AUTO ATTACK RESET so timing it right would mean a quicker jungle time.
This is Jax's E, Counter Strike, this is what makes Jax's ganks deadly, it is a non skill shot and only requires you to stand NEXT TO THEM, also it is an AoE stun! This also makes Jax a very strong anti-carry because it dodges all basic attacks and reduces surrounding AoE damage. Use this ability to engage fights or to peel bruisers off your ADC ! Max this last because it does not increase the stun duration by leveling, so there's no point in leveling it.
This is Jax's ultimate, Grandmaster's Might, it gives Jax bonus damage after every 3 attacks, the bonus damage is MAGIC DAMAGE , therefore it works with SPELL VAMP ! The active of this ability makes Jax very tanky mid/late game, gaining him about 80-100 ARMOR and MAGIC RESIST ! :D This ability has a very low CD so it is always available in team fights. Put a skill in this a 6/11/16 ^^.
I just wanna record what I did and update information for you guys. :D
07/19/2013 - Jax Guide Created
07/20/2013 - First 8 Views! XD XD XD
07/21/2013 - Jax Guide Updated (Runes, Items Builds,Abilities)
07/21/2013 - My Thoughts Of Playing LOL With JAX / Spells Of Jax ADDED
07/22/2013 - Tactics About JAX has been added
07/28/2013 - Soooooooo Bored No One Is Coming To Visit
07/19/2013 - Jax Guide Created
07/20/2013 - First 8 Views! XD XD XD
07/21/2013 - Jax Guide Updated (Runes, Items Builds,Abilities)
07/21/2013 - My Thoughts Of Playing LOL With JAX / Spells Of Jax ADDED
07/22/2013 - Tactics About JAX has been added
07/28/2013 - Soooooooo Bored No One Is Coming To Visit
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