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Recommended Items
+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order
Living Forge (PASSIVE)
Ornn Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Illaoi can be a massive threat to almost any Ornn player as she is incredible at dueling due do her high damage and somewhat decent CC making her almost unbeatable in a 1v1 against Ornn. The only way you can survive this matchup is basically staying under tower and even then if she is ahead, she can still sometimes dive you.
Champion Build Guide

Before I go into the guide, I would like to share a little bit more about myself. I am currently silver in solo/duo and gold in flex (not that flex matters, but still). For the longest time I was a one trick

- High health and tank
- Effective Crowd Control
- High utility
- Great engage
- Great peel
- Scales very well and allows teammates to scale better
- Great sustain
- Low Damage
- Bad dueling potential
- Difficult to play
- Difficult to farm with if not experience
- Limited to armor, health, and magic resist
- Has a fair amount of counters

Then, for the extra runes, we take CDR because it is just really strong on basically any champ. Then to gain extra defense, we take armor in the flex spot, and then magic resist in the defense spot. This can of course be changed to accommodate for the enemy teams type of damage.

Core Items:

I will not go over every single one of these for the sake of keeping this guide concise but what I will say is that they all are either for MR or armor to accommodate whatever the enemy team may be building. They are items like Thornmail that are extremely useful against heavy AD team comps but only against heavy AD team comps.
Standard Final Build:
This build basically accommodates for both AD and AP while still giving a large amount of health. This is basically a middle ground against AD and AP. You take the core build plus black cleaver for a little bit of extra damage, you add Randuin's Omen and Warmog’s for health and a little bit of armor.
Final Build Against Heavy AD:
This build simply put is a bunch of health and armor plus Thornmail to deal extra damage that

Final Build Against Heavy AP:
This build is basically just a ton of magic resist. I think this to be much better in the current meta now because it is the so called “rip ADC” meta now that they all basically got nerfed and AP is the only option for some damage carries. This takes the core build plus Abyssal mask, Adaptive Helm, and Warmog’s.

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