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Swain Build Guide by Zanryu

AP Carry Jericho Swain, the Demon Bird

AP Carry Jericho Swain, the Demon Bird

Updated on November 3, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Zanryu Build Guide By Zanryu 7,797 Views 7 Comments
7,797 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Zanryu Swain Build Guide By Zanryu Updated on November 3, 2012
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Hey guys,

I thought it would be helpful to post my Swain build.
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Pros / Cons

  • Extremly tanky
  • Very good sustain
  • Can also burst many champions past level 5
  • Stronger versus more than one champion (up to three)
  • Can counter annoying champions like Kassadin and Ahri
  • Has 3 additional jokes in bird form
  • Desperatly needs the blue buff in late game
  • Has to get close to enemies
  • Vulnerable to heal reducer like Fizz

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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

Greater Seal of Replenishment: for the first levels this rune is quite good on Swain. But he needs manaregen past level 6 so Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration is also a good option, because the per level runes are stronger than the flat ones past level 7.
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Summoner Spells

For Swain Flash and Ignite is the best choice for him due the fact that Torment increases the damage from Ignite it can be very devastating.
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Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Why this on level one? It is a very simple answer: early ganks and invades. This AOE snare can decide the first minutes and even the whole game.

Torment is a flying projectile which applies a dot on its target which amplifies other damage sources from Swain, even itself. Try to cast this spell before other spells to maximize damage.
Decrepify is another dot which also slows and has a tether range of 900. That means that your spell will be placed on the point where you cast it and will last until it expires or the target leaves the tether range. It is very useful to get close to enemies.

Never hesitate to use this spell. It will heal you and damage nearby enemies. It also stay when activating Zhonya's Hourglass.
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Start with the mobile caster opening and stay on the lane as long as possible.

With 875 or 1325 gold you should buy Catalyst the Protector.

Again stay as long on your lane as you can or until 1710 gold are in your hands. Rod of Ages is the must have item on Swain #1. It makes you extremly tanky with a mana and AP boost which is required to stay close to enemies very long.

Additional tankyness for your bird and the slow is extremly strong with Ravenous Flock.

Both are items primary for damage and secondary for defense and utility. Additionally the range of Abyssal Mask is larger than each of your spells.

It is a very good item on Swain and can replace Abyssal Mask or Will of the Ancients, depending on your playstyle.[/columns]
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Other items

Swain already has a very good heal amount and we can further increase it with this item.
Swain needs a large amount of mana and during a team fight this item can restore very much. It is a good replacement for Will of the Ancients.
Torment will increase the damage from this item, too. But it is only useful against high health champions.
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Skill Usage

Open a fight with Nevermove. I've seen many Swains which are opening with Decrepify trying to land a perfect Nevermove afterwards. This is a damage loss over all and needs more damage from Ravenous Flock as actually needed.

Try to cast Nevermove behind the enemy champion to force him to run into Nevermove or into you. Both options are very painful for them. When they are close enough cast Torment followed by Decrepify and Ravenous Flock. if you have Ignite ready, don't hesitate to use it. Even it doesn't kill the champion it will force him to retreat.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Zanryu
Zanryu Swain Guide
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Jericho Swain, the Demon Bird

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