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Rek'Sai Build Guide by hasancheko

AD Offtank Jungle Rek'Sai Having Everything Best Build Guide

AD Offtank Jungle Rek'Sai Having Everything Best Build Guide

Updated on January 4, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hasancheko Build Guide By hasancheko 2,790 Views 0 Comments
2,790 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author hasancheko Rek'Sai Build Guide By hasancheko Updated on January 4, 2015
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Hi I'm AresTheSpear Playing On EUNE Mainly Jungle
This Is Rek'sai Jungle Build That Kinda Have Everything From Fatal Damage To Hard Tankness
I Kinda Hate To Type Much So I'll Just Type The Highlights And Focus On Jungle Routs And If Anything Good Happens I Will Add\Edit Later
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As Stated For Runes I Myself For Now Use These And I Used Full Utility Before (Attack Speed + Movement Speed) And It Was Good Too But With These I Feel More Free In Farming My Jungle
Since We Don't Buy Much CD On Items A Little Buff From Runes Will Be Good
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Main Damage Masteries With a Little Movement Speed Tweak Which Is Very Helpful In End Game I Get Like ~425 or More
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These Items Are The Best They Just Give Everything
Devourer Is The Best Enchantment I Tried Both It And Warrior And Its Much Better Than Warrior Enchantment
I Try To Rush Ravenous Hydra Because I Gank Often And Its Damage Is Really Good + Easy Farm
As Well As Rushing Randuins Omen Is For Ganking Its Slow Is Very Helpful In Engaging Or Disengaging
Spirit Visage Is Just A Super Item On Rek'sai The Self Heal Boost Will Make W Much More Effective
For The Last Item I Always Get Confused On Which To Pick Since Its Both Really Good So Just Pick What You Like :D
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Skill Sequence

With This Skill Sequence You Can Farm A Lot And Deal A Lot Of Damage In Short Time I'll Explain More In Jungle Route
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Pros / Cons

Pros :
Really Good Build Gets Everything Together
Great Farming In Jungle
Great Damage in Short Time
Really Tanky After Randuins Omen
Cons :
There Is No Cons For This Build Except Its Kinda Squishy Early
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Creeping / Jungling

OK Now For My Main Article For This Guide
Jungle Routes Is Kind My Thing So Lets Go
For Blue Team Side :
Start With The Two Krugs Smite The Big Krug Instantly To Get The Passive Then Use W For Healing And Go To The Red Buff Take It (Now One Pot Should Be Used) Then Go For The Wolves Ignoring The Raptors , Take Wolves Without A Smite Then Go Smite Gromp And Take It (2nd Health Pot) Then Head To Blue Buff Take It After Blue Return To The Raptors And Krugs After Them .
For Red Team Side :
Start With Gromp Smite It Instantly And Then Take Blue Buff And Head For The Wolves Taking It Smiteless And Head For The Krugs Smiting The Big One And Taking It After That Head For The Red Buff And Take It Then Take The Raptors And Again Head To Gromp
Note :
1. Use W Between Camps For Healing
2. Use Q While Burrowed Its Damage Is Helpful After That Knock Up And Take The Camp
3. Whenever The Red Meter Under The Creeps Is Gone Go Borrowed And Use Q Then W For Damage And Knock Up
4. Whenever You Are Short On Health Go To The River For The Rift Scuttler aka Crab It Gives You Rage Which Means Healing
5. I'm Now Trying Starting With Gromp On Both Sides So I Can Have Red Buff Longer For Ganks
6. Always Do An Early Gank For Mid To Make The Enemy Use Flash It Kinda Work 90% Of The Time
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Team Work + Play Techniques

The Synergy That I Got While Playing Was With Yasuo And Jarvan IV
Yasuo For Knock Up And Both Dealing Damage
Jarvan IV Was For His Q Armor Pen. And Ult While Rek'Sai Dealing A Lot Of AOE Damage Due To Q And Ravenous Hydra
For Playing Techniques
Start A Gank By A Well Positioned Q+E (Burrowed) Follow Up With The Knock Up And The Slowing Smite\Randuins And Q (UnBurrowed) Then Try To Save E For Last When You Have Much Rage
Always Try To Benefit Of The Burrowed Radar Passive Its Really Useful Note That You It Can Sense Even Stealthy Champions You Can Use It Chasing Shaco's Q Or Figure Out Wukong After He Uses W And So On
Never Hesitate To Use Your Ultimate To Reach Lanes Or Just To Farm Your Jungle Use It , It Saves Time
Try To Make Tunnels In Smart Positions And Make A Lot Of Tunnels It Will Help You A Lot And Always Keep One Tunnel Near Each Lane So You Can Move Freely With Ult When You Are Needed
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I Rarely Lose On This Build As Well As Carrying Lost Games Won More Than 15 Games Out Of 20 Super Build Ends Up With ~3000 Hp (GA) ~220 Armor ~200 Magic Resist ~ 230 Damage ~ 1.66 Attack Speed ~ 425+ Movement Speed ~ 14% Life Steal
Best Regards Of Your Fellow LoL Player AresTheSpear Feel Free To Add Me On EUNE :)
Also Give Me Your Opinions On Discussion Section And How The Build Worked For You
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hasancheko
hasancheko Rek'Sai Guide
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Jungle Rek'Sai Having Everything Best Build Guide

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