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Ability Order
Soul Eater (PASSIVE)
Nasus Passive Ability
The b*tch is strong in this one
So you've decided to jungle Nasus.
I decided to write this because I'm tired of seeing bad jungle Nasus players, with the hopes I can help people understand how to make this work.
I hope I can help you to see the light so you, too, will never play him in top lane again.
Ghost makes you extremely hard to kite, which makes it a very good pick for Nasus. It also allows you to chase a bit easier that Flash does. The standard is to jungle with Smite, so I don't really have much else to say about it.
other options:
Flash: If you prefer to have the gap closer, you can take this. It's equally as good as Ghost, just in different situations
Teleport- For those full a$$hole Teleport to ward in a bush ganks that everyone just loves. Keep in mind that Nasus has no gap closer or escape, so you really gotta go balls-deep if you take this.
Don't take:
Heal- Soul Eater and Fury of the Sands, 'nuff said.
Exhaust- Wither > Exhaust, 'nuff said again.
Ignite- Don't even f-ing get me started on how you can "jungle without Smite" want Smite for overall jungle/buff control, not because you can't clear.
Cleanse- You're Nasus, what the hell do you need this for?
Most of the other spells are not even worth mentioning, I know you people are smarter than that.
> > >
Spirit Fire provides excellent clearing power, this makes it the most efficient skill to max in the jungle. While Wither is taken last in the first three levels, it's maxed second because it is far more significant than Siphoning Strike will ever be. Siphoning Strike is taken second, but maxed last because the damage on it is largely unnoticeable until late game.
Fairly standard jungle path. Nothing to see here.
(working on getting a new jungle map)
It should also be noted that Nasus can actually gank without taking red because he has Wither, though if the enemy you're going to gank has flash or a built-in escape tool I probably wouldn't recommend it.
Nasus doesn't have the strongest early game ganks, considering he mostly enables allies to deal more damage rather than dealing a lot himself.
: This item and passive is really good on Nasus. It gives you all the stats you really want, plus a nice smite passive that gives you a bit of extra clearing power.
: definitely worth getting on a jungler as you can use it to reveal and disable enemy wards when you gank. Stealth Ward can be useful for warding your jungle, but I prefer Sweeping Lens for its stronger utility.
Randuin's Omen: Great against high AD champions, as it lowers their attack speed and movement speed when they attack you. The active can really screw up the enemy team in a teamfight, as well, which makes this item good pretty much all the time.
Locket of the Iron Solari: Very good if you want to give your allies a strong buff against a high magic damage team. The active is also great if you're trying to make turret plays.
Last Whisper: to punish enemies when they stack armor
Sunfire Aegis: for extra damage in general
Think I'm pretty much done now...
this b*tch is out.
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