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- Our Most Awakened Inclination - Support Karma
- Let the Orinoco Flow - Support Nami
- Savior of the Innocent - Support Kayle
- Concussive Support feat. DJ Sona & VictoriousBard
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Ability Order
Soul Eater (PASSIVE)
Nasus Passive Ability
The b*tch is strong in this one

So you've decided to jungle

I decided to write this because I'm tired of seeing bad jungle

I hope I can help you to see the light so you, too, will never play him in top lane again.

other options:

Don't take:

Most of the other spells are not even worth mentioning, I know you people are smarter than that.

Fairly standard jungle path. Nothing to see here.
(working on getting a new jungle map)
It should also be noted that Nasus can actually gank without taking red because he has


Think I'm pretty much done now...
this b*tch is out.
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