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Kayle Build Guide by Kitty Hole

Kayle AD/ADC Season 6.15 Guide

Kayle AD/ADC Season 6.15 Guide

Updated on August 3, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kitty Hole Build Guide By Kitty Hole 14,493 Views 0 Comments
14,493 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kitty Hole Kayle Build Guide By Kitty Hole Updated on August 3, 2016
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Hi guys, today im going to break down a few attack damage items that work with kayle. If your experienced with the ADC Role then this guide is for you.

So before we begin, i would like to point out that this build is basicly AP Kayle but in AD form. For the past few days ive went back to the old AP Kayle style build and the least i can say is that she was ment to be built that way.

This is the usual AP build I go with, and this is what we're converting to AD.
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This is your Nashors.
Penetration, Attack Speed, Movement Speed. Almost at the same cost as Nashors.
You dont need to build it completely at first, but grab Serrated Dirk for its penetration and passive.

Lich Bane, but better.
Crazy expensive yes, but you dont have to build it comepletely yet. Just get Stinger and Sheen. After buying these 2, finish building Youmuu's Ghostblade and then Berserker's Greaves.

More attack and movement speed.
Kayle is one of the slowest moving champs i have ever seen, and your going to be chasing ALOT. These work well with Youmuu's Ghostblade. If your in for a chase, make sure you trigger Youmuu's Ghostblade's active.

It's no Guinsoo's, But you know when its working.
Not only will you now hit criticals, but have pretty good burst damage that will hit around 400-500 AD/AP on champs w/out mitigation.

More penetration for those pesky Tanks steemrolling your mates.
Like this guy Darius

More Crits, More Damage. 'Nuff Said.
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This just suites kayle. Alot of your enemies try to run, so flash and finish or ignite.
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Ranked Play

I haven't played Ranked one bit so i would advise getting use to this build before going in.
Not saying it isn't worthy, though alot of people quetion me or get mad when i go AD in normal que. I imagine people have higher expectations the higher rank. Just saving you stress.
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Pros / Cons


You dish out a ton of damage to your enemies.

Towers don't take long at all to destroy.


Still Squishy

Ganks with your face on it lol
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kitty Hole
Kitty Hole Kayle Guide
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Kayle AD/ADC Season 6.15 Guide

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