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Ability Order
Unseen Threat (PASSIVE)
Kha'Zix Passive Ability
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Okay so your looking at everything and your like who is this idiot?
The ferocity tree is obvious af but if you need a little brain starter here it is: You want more damage and that supplies.
The wanderer is so you can gank faster after clearing camps and that saves time which saves money.
Runic affinity is better than the other two ones cause who wouldn't red or blue buff longer and that helps a lot like a lot.
Merciless basically gives you more damage to kill that 100 health adc..... So you can jump out of there right away.
So the next one is best summed up by the Tyler1s of the world who cry when there waves are taken and they run it down mid. So this way you push the wave take no minions and get free gold and the other two ones don't give any significant damage since you oneshot without them but Grandfathers is pretty good if you think your weak.
More lethality is more damage so next one you need one brain cell to realize why this one.
Stormraiders is so your fast af and your as sticky as zac with rylais. Also with the ghost and ghostblade your pretty fast. Thunderlords went down the ****hole and in this meta extra damage means little if you can't catch up to do it. Also helps with those level 3 cheese ganks.
The wanderer is so you can gank faster after clearing camps and that saves time which saves money.
Runic affinity is better than the other two ones cause who wouldn't red or blue buff longer and that helps a lot like a lot.
Merciless basically gives you more damage to kill that 100 health adc..... So you can jump out of there right away.
So the next one is best summed up by the Tyler1s of the world who cry when there waves are taken and they run it down mid. So this way you push the wave take no minions and get free gold and the other two ones don't give any significant damage since you oneshot without them but Grandfathers is pretty good if you think your weak.
More lethality is more damage so next one you need one brain cell to realize why this one.
Stormraiders is so your fast af and your as sticky as zac with rylais. Also with the ghost and ghostblade your pretty fast. Thunderlords went down the ****hole and in this meta extra damage means little if you can't catch up to do it. Also helps with those level 3 cheese ganks.
So the item order is in the way items are listed but ill go more in depth with that. Without ado here are the items:
Red jungle item: So more damage and red smite is ****ing busted with the 20% damage reduction on you and you get a mini red buff. Also gives you vision of them so you can spam them Qs in the bushes.
Tiamat(DO NO FINSIH THIS ******** ITEM UNLESS YOUR GONNA WIN THE GAME AND YOU TROLLING): So the auto reset and the damage proc are reasons enough but it also helps clear those pesky Krugs and Raps. Also those juicy minion waves aren't gonna clear themselves and helps you push out waves hella fast.
Deaths dance: So I've been using this item longer than nightblue senpai has since I'm a little theory crafter on kha so don't say i copied him. This item gives damage, CDR, and best of all lifesteal on all AD DAMAGE. At level 9 I heal 100 from Q and upwards of 250 on W. The damage back part in over 800 games on it has killed me a whooping 4 times so don't worry about that. You can also solo Dragon,Rift Herald, and Elder dragon at 4 items and baron at full build with this item and without unevolved Q to top that. Just a beauty and a must on all real non troll kha builds.
Maw of malfancyname: This item synchs so well with Deaths dance my mouth waters. You become that 12/0 enemy viktors worse nightmare. If he pops that shield your healing goes off the charts and at level 13 Q heals for 250 health and W heals for close to 400 health but if he does nothing he dead. Always buy this after Deaths dance even on full ad comps cause theres always some ap to pop that shield. Unless there full tank this is a solid 3rd full item.
Y. Ghostblade: Speed, Speed, and more Speed. With ghost this and stormraiders i went faster than a ghost hec at full speed charge like no joke. Also the armor pen isn't bad at all and will help you alot oneshot squishies. Get after Maw.
****blade of ****thaar: Adcs and mids get ****ed by this item. I oneshot an enemy vayne with empowered auto and W only. Also you get that free red trinket effect. This item is so easy to proc as the bush passive stealth is undetectable and lasts longer than 1 sec. Get if you want damage after Maw then get Ghostblade after no matter what.
Black cleaver: If they have like 4 tanks and you really need it get it. Gives health and alot of CDR as well so its good in that but worthless in this new meta. Rush after Deaths dance if you need it but I've rarely ever bought it.
Steraks Gage: Health that will save you. This item has saved me so many times and makes you tanky af so worth it. Always get it as a 6th item and if you already have full build sell red jungle item for it. Worth it for its small price.
Finish ravenous if you have gold and you have nothing else to spend on otherwise it is useless item.
Red jungle item: So more damage and red smite is ****ing busted with the 20% damage reduction on you and you get a mini red buff. Also gives you vision of them so you can spam them Qs in the bushes.
Tiamat(DO NO FINSIH THIS ******** ITEM UNLESS YOUR GONNA WIN THE GAME AND YOU TROLLING): So the auto reset and the damage proc are reasons enough but it also helps clear those pesky Krugs and Raps. Also those juicy minion waves aren't gonna clear themselves and helps you push out waves hella fast.
Deaths dance: So I've been using this item longer than nightblue senpai has since I'm a little theory crafter on kha so don't say i copied him. This item gives damage, CDR, and best of all lifesteal on all AD DAMAGE. At level 9 I heal 100 from Q and upwards of 250 on W. The damage back part in over 800 games on it has killed me a whooping 4 times so don't worry about that. You can also solo Dragon,Rift Herald, and Elder dragon at 4 items and baron at full build with this item and without unevolved Q to top that. Just a beauty and a must on all real non troll kha builds.
Maw of malfancyname: This item synchs so well with Deaths dance my mouth waters. You become that 12/0 enemy viktors worse nightmare. If he pops that shield your healing goes off the charts and at level 13 Q heals for 250 health and W heals for close to 400 health but if he does nothing he dead. Always buy this after Deaths dance even on full ad comps cause theres always some ap to pop that shield. Unless there full tank this is a solid 3rd full item.
Y. Ghostblade: Speed, Speed, and more Speed. With ghost this and stormraiders i went faster than a ghost hec at full speed charge like no joke. Also the armor pen isn't bad at all and will help you alot oneshot squishies. Get after Maw.
****blade of ****thaar: Adcs and mids get ****ed by this item. I oneshot an enemy vayne with empowered auto and W only. Also you get that free red trinket effect. This item is so easy to proc as the bush passive stealth is undetectable and lasts longer than 1 sec. Get if you want damage after Maw then get Ghostblade after no matter what.
Black cleaver: If they have like 4 tanks and you really need it get it. Gives health and alot of CDR as well so its good in that but worthless in this new meta. Rush after Deaths dance if you need it but I've rarely ever bought it.
Steraks Gage: Health that will save you. This item has saved me so many times and makes you tanky af so worth it. Always get it as a 6th item and if you already have full build sell red jungle item for it. Worth it for its small price.
Finish ravenous if you have gold and you have nothing else to spend on otherwise it is useless item.
Ghost is for geniuses and flash is for fools. Ghost gives more movespeed lets you move through the minion block and you cover 20 times more distance than flash. Also its half cd and if you **** up flash than your screwed for 5 min but you legit can't **** up ghost so your super safe. Smite cause its a jungle guide not a lane guide.
Start second Q max first never evolve
Q is all your damage and you need it to oneshot so just max it first the new Q sucks so its never useful
Start first W max second evolve last
Start this first which will be explained later but damage and better heals that slow at 80% is kinda massive if iso so its way better than the CDR reduction on Q
Start third E max last evolve second
Its your flash doesn't give much damage so don't max it first the kill resets are helpful to keep you alive
Start last R max at 16 evolve first
The passive bush stealth is ****ing op and put points when you get the chance More in Tips and Tricks.
Start second Q max first never evolve
Q is all your damage and you need it to oneshot so just max it first the new Q sucks so its never useful
Start first W max second evolve last
Start this first which will be explained later but damage and better heals that slow at 80% is kinda massive if iso so its way better than the CDR reduction on Q
Start third E max last evolve second
Its your flash doesn't give much damage so don't max it first the kill resets are helpful to keep you alive
Start last R max at 16 evolve first
The passive bush stealth is ****ing op and put points when you get the chance More in Tips and Tricks.
Jungle clear:
Start blue always so you get free spam on abilities clear gromp and wolves and go straight to red. Then clear raps and krugs.
Gank path:
Try to gank after wolves and red and good rule of thumb is with no escapes if they in or beyond river free gank and with escapes at tower free kill but most of time first one applies to most cases.
2.5 second stealth:
After you come out of bush with passive stealth activate stealth at last moment of bush stealth and you get an extra second to surprise someone. SUPER HARD TO GET THE 2.5 SEC ON THE DOT. Took me a couple games to master but i have a strong Kha base.
Tiamat mid jump:
Activate it after jump and when your on target and if you kill you can double jump if you have fast hands and fast fingers. This allows you to do full combo of E-Tiamat proc-W-Q-Passive auto-Ult.
Red set up:
Make tabs on the enemy jungles red buff and before it comes go and sit in the bush that is behind it. When they come you can wait for your stealth to kick in and totally surprise them and get kill and free red kill.
Start blue always so you get free spam on abilities clear gromp and wolves and go straight to red. Then clear raps and krugs.
Gank path:
Try to gank after wolves and red and good rule of thumb is with no escapes if they in or beyond river free gank and with escapes at tower free kill but most of time first one applies to most cases.
2.5 second stealth:
After you come out of bush with passive stealth activate stealth at last moment of bush stealth and you get an extra second to surprise someone. SUPER HARD TO GET THE 2.5 SEC ON THE DOT. Took me a couple games to master but i have a strong Kha base.
Tiamat mid jump:
Activate it after jump and when your on target and if you kill you can double jump if you have fast hands and fast fingers. This allows you to do full combo of E-Tiamat proc-W-Q-Passive auto-Ult.
Red set up:
Make tabs on the enemy jungles red buff and before it comes go and sit in the bush that is behind it. When they come you can wait for your stealth to kick in and totally surprise them and get kill and free red kill.
Basically try to fight in the jungle and get picks before teamfights. Kha sucks nuts in team fights and its way better to go around in the jungle and kill the adcs or mids and make it a 4v5 when some idiot charges into your whole team. I can't teach you how to team fight but i play an ambush style of play and i play alot of mind games.
No one is ever gonna play exactly like i do and have the success i do cause my play style is ****ing weird and you won't take the time to master it. But the items and everything else can be perfected so plz use my build and summoner skills. If you truly wanna play like me you have to play mind games and most solo que players just wont do that. Im just writing this so when you come back to rage at me for the **** strat i can say i wrote this before hand. Also if you have any questions ask me i didn't add a video of myself cause i dont know how to but if you ever catch me on plz watch my game to see how i play. Thanks for coming and have great success with this build i so courteously use and have showed you.
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