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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Unseen Threat (PASSIVE)
Kha'Zix Passive Ability
League of Legends Terms
Jungler= the person who takes smite and farms only in the area between the lanes with the monsters. MUST HAVE SMITE!!
Gank= an ally from another lane or the jungler goes to someone else's lane to team up and kill the enemy. This is not unfair, this is strategy, and the jungler's sole purpose.
Rift= Refers to Rift Herald who spawns in the pit in the top side of the map, gives a good item that replaces your trinket, the thing bound to 4, so be careful when you have it. Will go away after a certain period of time.
Baron= the big worm thing that spawns in the pit in the top side of the map. Only spawns after a certain period of time has passed and after Rift Herald. Don't fight alone.
Ap and Ad= Ap refers to ability power, or magic damage, which is what mages usually increase to deal damage. Ad refers to attack damage, which is the damage you deal with basic attacks.
ff at 15/ff at 20= surrender at 15 minutes or surrender at 20 minutes respectively.
gg= good game
wp= well played
glhf= good luck have fun
lol= can refer to "laugh out loud" or "league of legends," look at context.
Evolving q is pretty good if you can get the target to be isolated, which you want all the time, so it is a really good option for your first evolution. Evolving w does not go with assassin build, so don't do it. Evolving e gives you extra range on it, which makes it easier to gank lanes, and gives you a quick escape if you kill the person you gank. Evolving r allows you to sneak up on the enemy without them knowing and allows for better ganks since they can't see you until you're close to them. I usually evolve q first, but I also evolve r sometimes.
For your second evolution, take e, no questions. This can get you out of a sticky situation really quickly after you assassinate someone, which makes it invaluable.
For your last evolution, take whichever one you didn't take in your first evolution, q or r. If you find yourself not being able to get out of base much, evolve w.
For your second evolution, take e, no questions. This can get you out of a sticky situation really quickly after you assassinate someone, which makes it invaluable.
For your last evolution, take whichever one you didn't take in your first evolution, q or r. If you find yourself not being able to get out of base much, evolve w.
The most basic would be to use q in midair while using e. This gives you time to use your other attacks when your on the ground and allows you to easily burst most champions that aren't tanks. Using this requires you to unlock your camera so that you can target the enemy with your mouse, so this gives good practice. Try to land near the enemy so that you are in melee range when you come down. You can also use your w right before using e, getting a little damage in and healing you at the same time.
When you use your r, or ult, it makes you go invisible to the enemy for a short period of time and resets your passive. This may not seem like a lot, but it can panic your enemy if you chunk them before using it. Use it after you do your leap combo if you didn't almost kill them outright or use it to reposition and juke. With duskblade, try to stay invisible for one second so that you can get the passive for it again, but you can auto immediately after getting out to trigger the slow that it applies. Also, while running away, flashing while invisible can confuse the enemy and prevent any follow up to chase you.
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