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This is a guide for a top lane, assassin, dueler Kha'Zix. He is a strong champion in the top lane as he can clear well and as excellent 1v1 potential. You should play Kha'Zix in a ranked situation when an assassin is needed and when you already have a tank. Hope you enjoy and learn from my guide.
One of Kha'Zix unique attributes is the passive of his ultimate. This allows him to add an additional effect to a spell every time Kha'Zix hits level 6/11/16.
Evolve Q first for max damage and dueling. Then E for range and team fights. Then it depends, if you need clear speed get W but if you need more potency in team fights, I recommend R.
Evolve Q first for max damage and dueling. Then E for range and team fights. Then it depends, if you need clear speed get W but if you need more potency in team fights, I recommend R.
Starting with a long sword I have found to be most efficient as it builds into other core items and gives max damage at early levels.
Most of the time, rushing a Brutalizer is best but make a judgement on what you are trying to do in your lane. If your team needs you to push, rush a tiamat.
Frozen Mallet if you need more health and Maw of Malmortius against AP heavy team.
Most of the time, rushing a Brutalizer is best but make a judgement on what you are trying to do in your lane. If your team needs you to push, rush a tiamat.
Frozen Mallet if you need more health and Maw of Malmortius against AP heavy team.
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