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Zed Build Guide by swagbatman997

kill the enemy without taking damage - zed guide

kill the enemy without taking damage - zed guide

Updated on October 5, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author swagbatman997 Build Guide By swagbatman997 1,297 Views 0 Comments
1,297 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author swagbatman997 Zed Build Guide By swagbatman997 Updated on October 5, 2015
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the best way to kill sn enemy there is different ways il talk about but thi

Ok look what will you do first press your ultimate on the champion then press the w were they are running the press e and q then press w and then blade of the ruined king,basic attack and then r this shall get you 100% a kill
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the second way

If there health is below 50% (this must done in lvl 3 or 4) press w and e and q then go away when they return press the w and autoattack ignite and flash (if needed)
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another way

this way will help you kill the enemy if his health is 100% and yours is 20% or below ok. He is following you press w at a bush then press r at him and w e q r ignite then run
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you want even more?

Ok look throw shadow behind there turrent they are safe they thing ok press r then w e q r basicattack and ignite
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hope you enjoyed

Gl in zed if need more information my summoner name is swagbatman977
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