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Kindred General Guide by KindredShallHunt

Jungle Kindred Shall Hunt: Make your Mark

Jungle Kindred Shall Hunt: Make your Mark

Updated on December 1, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KindredShallHunt Build Guide By KindredShallHunt 2,976 Views 0 Comments
2,976 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author KindredShallHunt Kindred Build Guide By KindredShallHunt Updated on December 1, 2015
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Hi everyone! My name is KindredShallHunt. A Kindred main from the day of their release. I ended the season at silver 5, but ever since the season ended I have been climbing incredibly quickly, at one point winning 17/20 games playing mainly Kindred. This guide is based off of my personal experience of what works, what doesn't work, and why I think that this guide will both help you become a better Kindred player, and learn more about how much of an impact they can have in a game. This is my first guide, so any feedback, positive or negative, would be much appreciated!
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How does Kindred Work?

Kindred is an exceptionally good jungler, with good damage at all points of the game. In the right hands and with the right tools, they can snowball the game and get huge enough to carry teamfights. Their W passive gives them great sustain in the jungle to help them clear and their q + w synergy lets them kite camps enough to let them take very little damage. They are amazing duelists at any point of the game, and in most situations you can gank very effectively with your 70% point-and-click slow. Collecting marks is going to be your primary source of damage, and if you choose your marks wisely you can have around 10-15 stacks late game, equal to 12.5%-18.57% current health damage. This damage can shred a front line and melt the back line. So, let's get started, shall we?
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Pros / Cons

Pros: Their damage is very good throughout the game. Early game her clear speeds and health are actually quite impressive, and she can 1v1 very easily if she is within Wolf's terrain. Within a teamfight she can shred the front line and zone the enemy with Wolf'f terrain as well. Her ult is a great tool to help save an ally and clean up the kill, and if you have champions like Darius or Katarina on your team, you can bring them all to low enough health to just decimate the rest of the team when the ult ends.

Cons: While they have good damage, Kindred does not necessarily fit into all team comp's. They are still a marksman with shorter range, so if they want to do damage they're gonna have to get closer than you would like. Also, if caught out without ultimate off cooldown, you can find yourself in a very bad situation.
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Using your Ultimate

Kindred's Ultimate is one of the most important game changing ultimates. With it you can either save your team, or accidentally save theirs. This is the main reason I put Katarina as a threat. While you may want to use your ultimate, sometimes it is actually the better idea to not use your ultimate at all. My reasoning behind this is say you have someone like Annie on your team. If you are caught out and ult yourself in a teamfight while they're all on top of you, champions like Annie with a lot of burst cannot use the full damage of their spell combo, and as a result you may lose the fight. Knowing when and when not to ult comes with experience. so it may take a few games to know the situations that are favourable and detrimental for you.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KindredShallHunt
KindredShallHunt Kindred Guide
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Kindred Shall Hunt: Make your Mark

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