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Ability Order
Mark of the Kindred (PASSIVE)
Kindred Passive Ability
Kindred MID is a very interesting alternative to master the lane, rotate and support the allied JG and deny Xp to the enemy JG.
Kindred allows us to fight at the same level as the murderers of the MID thanks to its Skills Kit.
And our attack speed will explore the wizards of the line.
Whenever we are passive and look for that right moment to go hunting.
The most important thing is to look for Level 2 first than the enemy, and immediately look for the first blood, for this we use E + basic + Q + Ignite + Basico. And you need to use Flash to put the last basico.
If we have a magician in front of us who can put us CC or stop, we have to know how to start on one side and change orientation to avoid CC ability.
If you do not think you can achieve the first blood, you can deny Farmeo to the enemy Mid, with the same skill set, If you use ignite, or flash. Only to poke and weaken.
Now look for level 3, having the weak enemy you can now assure if that first blood or kill in line.
Wait for that moment where the enemy is wrong or spend a skill to hunt your prey.
Do not forget to put the brand and be aware of the Rio. to help your JG.
In the other phases of lines, the game with Kindred is pokear and weaken the enemy, because with our initial items and masters we will have more sustein than the enemy, which will allow us to control the line whenever you can take care of not dying for the gank of the jg or the R of the enemy.
Advance your line, ward the enemy jg and rotate if the opportunity to Gankear, Remember that your R can save you from dying and your allies, including the enemy so learn to ausarla in the best way.
I use apra Divear in Torre and leave without dying.
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