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Kled Build Guide by MythicMike

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Updated on December 10, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MythicMike Build Guide By MythicMike 21 5 84,303 Views 4 Comments
21 5 84,303 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MythicMike Kled Build Guide By MythicMike Updated on December 10, 2021
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Runes: Normal

1 2
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Bone Plating

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

Kled Top

By MythicMike
Kled is not a big threat at level 1, but once he gets level 3, he can do some damage. Before you're level 3 you poke with your Q- Beartrap on a Rope. Try to remain inside the area to pull back the enemy, land 1 auto attack and then you can back off. Try not to walk too far into the enemy minion wave because that will result in you taking more damage from the minions than you did to the enemy. One important trick you have to remember is don't upgrade W- Violent Tendencies immediately. You don't want to use it on the minions so just keep holding onto the W- Violent Tendencies until you dismount. When you fall of Skaarl, upgrade W- Violent Tendencies and smack your enemy with 4 fast auto attacks, which will give you 60 Courage. All you need to do to mount now is one more auto attack and a Q- Pocket Pistol. You have to hit all 5 pellets from the pistol or you won't mount. If you're not low on HP and your enemy is less than half HP, you can level up W- Violent Tendencies to kill him since you won't get dismounted. If you can, try to hit both Q- Beartrap on a Rope and E- Jousting before you fall off, since you can't use them while dismounted.
Kled's R- Chaaaaaaaarge!!! is a really good roaming ultimate. You can surprise the jungler or mid if you know where they are. You could also TP bot and beat them up if you're ahead. I usually just farm and pressure the enemy laner from farming so i get a huge CS lead. Then i usually look to shove in a minion wave and roam with my R- Chaaaaaaaarge!!! to help out other lanes. You could also save the Ultimate till you get ganked so you can one shot the jungler and outplay both of them with your remount.
Late game Kled is really dangerous. Kled can remount easily due to the chaos of late game. You have alot of outplay potential with the remount. It's really hard to stop a split pushing Kled. They have to send more than 1 person to stop and even then you have a good chance to beat them as long as you don't make too many mistakes when you're not mounted. You need to remember here aswell, do not use your W- Violent Tendencies recklessly. If you're about to be dismounted and your W is up, don't use it before you fall off. It's going to make it alot harder to get back up on Skaarl.

When you engage with E- Jousting you can press your Q- Beartrap on a Rope at the same time to guarantee the Q. Then you hit them with your 4 W- Violent Tendencies auto attacks before using E- Jousting to disengage or to dodge after them again. You have to position yourself so you dodge in the right direction. If you want to disengage, you have to position yourself in front of where the opponent is walking so you dodge the other way. If you want to keep fighting, position yourself behind where they're walking to dodge in front of them.


This is the combo i use when i know i'm about to dismount. You use Q- Beartrap on a Rope and E- Jousting before you fall off Skaarl. Then you have your W- Violent Tendencies to smack your way back up on Skaarl. When you do get back up, you have your Q- Beartrap on a Rope and E- Jousting back up again.


This is the combo you do to get back up on Skaarl from 0 courage to 100. All 4 W- Violent Tendencies auto attacks and one more normal auto attack before using your Q- Pocket Pistol to get back up. Be cautious to hit all 5 pellets on the Q- Pocket Pistol or else you won't get back up. If you hit 4 out of 5 pellets you get 95 courage. Dying on Kled with 95 courage doesn't feel the best.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MythicMike
MythicMike Kled Guide
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