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Lulu Build Guide by AntiFaker

Middle LC Lëƒinnîe's Guide

Middle LC Lëƒinnîe's Guide

Updated on May 7, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AntiFaker Build Guide By AntiFaker 22,027 Views 0 Comments
22,027 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AntiFaker Lulu Build Guide By AntiFaker Updated on May 7, 2018
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Hey guys! It me again. The Platinum player in the Philippines.

I'm gonna give you some tips on how to win the game by just being the support in midlane (Not like the Yasuo, Kata or Zed type huh?). Well this will change your idea about playing as midlaner. Being a midlaner takes a lot of work, checking out everything (More like a jungler who has the power to roam, just the only option when you're loosing the 1v1 fight.) Also, midlanes support could be a good option when most of your teams are carry (Top: Riven, Farm: Kha'Zix, Bot: Vayne) Or maybe your support has very low utility and protect to his/her Adc (Like Alistar, Leona which can make the Adc open for killing.)
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For runes:

Summon Aery is good for Lulu. Especially when AA your enemy (Which is a good choice when your enemy is a melee, not really good if has great mobility and low cooldowns). Good for that extra shield when casting on a ally.

Manaflow Band. With its new rework, it's good on champs like Lulu for that mana and that mana regen when it reaches 250 mana (Unless you hit your E or Q 10 times to start off that mana regeneration) Which is like a Archanghel's Staff (Seems like it though.)

Transcendence, giving 10% CDR which will help you fill out that extra cooldown. Just building 3 items with cooldown. It will help you minimize some things.

Scorch, poking in lane gives you the advantage to stop your enemy to farm minion waves. With Lulu's Skills and this kind of runes. It is very helpful for her to win the lane.

Secindary runes

For secondary runes, these for me are the best items for Lulu. The cosmic insight that will get you to 45% CDR. And also Magical footwear, that gives you a free boots for 10 mins (Reduced when you takedown an enemy champion).

Other options for runes:
Inspiration runes:
Future's market can be a great sub for Magical footwear. Because for every 5 minutes, it gives you 50g to spend on where you will enter debt. Also, Biscuit Delivery, is a good lane sustaining consumable which will give you 1 for every 4 minutes which will be the max of 4 (Will not show up if your inventory is full.)

Resolve runes
Well, Resolve is a great secondary runes too. With Font of life and Revitalize. It will boost your team to fight a liitle longer and will give a stronger heals and shields better (Mentioning your slows, polymorps, and your knockups that will trigger font of life). And also, survivavility is pretty great with Lulu. Which makes her one of the great supports.
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Skill Sequence

Max this last, this will only help you to slow down enemies that will escape or to get that good minion waves (Better if you 3rd an enemy then 1st in a row so that all you need to do is just AA it. Easy!)

Max this second, It is a powerful tool to stop an enemy champ to fight you/your enemy team and just focus on killing that one first because he/she has no way to fight off (Unless the enemy team has Mikael's crucible, Cleanse, or Quicksilver Sash). Also, you can cast this to an ally to boost its attack speed and movement speed.

Max this first. When casts on ally or yourself, it will give you a shield (Pix, Faerie Companion is transferred to the ally who has the shield). When enemy casts, Grants vision and deals magic damage on them. Which is a good poking tool that ill help you land your Q better.

Max this on 6, 11, and 16. Enlarges your ally/yourself and knocks enemy into the air. This will help your allies to be more tankier and more survivability to the game. And one of the best set up tool when someone is engaging (Like an Alistar going in)
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Pros / Cons

    - Good poking damages
    - Farm clearing seems to be good
    - Has good crowd control tools
    - Good survivability in teamfight

    - Squishy
    - Mostly has short range to poke enemies
    - Mobility is really a threat to her
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Team Work

Always be alert when someone (Either ally or enemy) is about to engage. Focus on who will you be aiding or who will you be stopping. Rather think of suvivability than getting kills. Let your team do the killing and you and the support will do the protect. This will make an insane teamwork with every champs.
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So if you want to have that win in normal games or in ranked games. Always think of "Is it really helpful for my teammates?", or "Are they capable of surviving a fight?" If it is a yes-no answer. Then think of a plan to make them powerful from start till the end. Ohh, and also don't forget to vote this guide if it helps you.

If you want to play or see me play. Add me up. LC Lëƒinnîe. (Philippine area only). So this is the end of my guide. Hope you like it.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AntiFaker
AntiFaker Lulu Guide
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LC Lëƒinnîe's Guide

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