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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Mirror Image (PASSIVE)
LeBlanc Passive Ability
How to Play support leblanc
-Good Early Damage
-Can prevent ganks quite easily
-Good for blocking skill shots like Caitlyns ult as leblanc can use w
and most people with skil shots by just using w into them
-Can Jukes Most Champions
-She can make people waste abiltys with passive -can out dmg most supports
-Countered hard by stuns like taric leonas stuns are hard for her to hit because of W
-quite squisy early game
-adc's with lock on abiltys like quinn
-adc need's to attack at same time
-Good Early Damage
-Can prevent ganks quite easily
-Good for blocking skill shots like Caitlyns ult as leblanc can use w
and most people with skil shots by just using w into them
-Can Jukes Most Champions
-She can make people waste abiltys with passive -can out dmg most supports
-Countered hard by stuns like taric leonas stuns are hard for her to hit because of W
-quite squisy early game
-adc's with lock on abiltys like quinn
-adc need's to attack at same time
Siv HD+ocelote plays support leblanc very often and is good at doing it but with this build you can be the best help to your team
as this is kinda troll game but then i tryed with this build and i found it worked quite well and im looking forward to the next season making supports get more gold making this work even more
if your lanes losing as leblanc just go mid and help get a kill because this will put your mid laner ahead and this may give them the idea to come help you at bot lane if this does not work you can always just go full ap and kill the adc yourself but only do this in extreme conditions
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