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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Sunlight (PASSIVE)
Leona Passive Ability
This build will focus on peeling, chasing, and shutting down the enemy team's ability to get past you to your ADC. Leona is great at initiating with her E and her R, and no other champion can save a teammate as hard with the exception of maybe Blitzcrank.
What you need to know:
W-Armor/MR and an AOE slap to the mouth
E-Fling yourself into the frey
R-Ranged slow/stun. The center will stun and edges will slow.
Your Combos:
QuickDamage/WardKill: Your Q resets your autoattack.
LaningInitiate/SavingGrace: You fly in and stun a target
Hard initiate: Use in teamfights or on groups of poor idiots running through your warded jungle
All these combos are enhanced through your Rylia's, Frost Queen, and your Randuin's/FrozenMallet. The slow she provides allows your carries to get easy kills and get away safely.
What you need to know:
W-Armor/MR and an AOE slap to the mouth
E-Fling yourself into the frey
R-Ranged slow/stun. The center will stun and edges will slow.
Your Combos:
QuickDamage/WardKill: Your Q resets your autoattack.
LaningInitiate/SavingGrace: You fly in and stun a target
Hard initiate: Use in teamfights or on groups of poor idiots running through your warded jungle
All these combos are enhanced through your Rylia's, Frost Queen, and your Randuin's/FrozenMallet. The slow she provides allows your carries to get easy kills and get away safely.
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