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I'd like to introduce myself first.
I am Daniela and this is a Pre-Season - S6 Leona Guide.
I started playing about a year ago and I've mostly played support and ADC.
Leona was and remains a strong pick for myself and for the team because she can pull the team after herself, as I like saying.
Her engage can change a game! One well placed Solar Flare can secure your team's win.
Early game, lane phase, she can secure an easy first blood at level2, she can keep the enemy ADC from farming with well placed Zenith Blades and Shield of Daybreaks
Leona is a tanky champion with lots of crowd control. She is protecting her allies and securing them kills.
Leona is naturally tanky due to both her high base defensive stats and her Eclipse. She doesn't even need many defensive items to be tanky. Which is why I go for Sunfire Aegis and deal some good damage myself.
Why is Farming here for a support champion?
Her first item bought, and core item, Relic Shield, helps sustain your ADC in lane as Leona is not a healer and this can leave your ADC vulnerable to poke.
If your jungler starts on your side you should/could tank 2-3 hits from the camp and then use the Relic Shield to replenish your HP. It also allows your jungler to stay more in the jungle and possibly that extra HP allows him to gank early.
If the jungler however starts on the other side (top) you should only take 1 minion and keep the other in case your ADC or you will need healing later on. Try to constantly have 1 charge and don't stay too much with 2. Consuming those charges gives you gold. And since you don't get Ancient Coin you're in need of that extra gold.
If the enemy team can poke you and your ADC try saving some charges for when you're in need of HP instead of using them when your ADC or you are at full HP.
Her first item bought, and core item, Relic Shield, helps sustain your ADC in lane as Leona is not a healer and this can leave your ADC vulnerable to poke.
If your jungler starts on your side you should/could tank 2-3 hits from the camp and then use the Relic Shield to replenish your HP. It also allows your jungler to stay more in the jungle and possibly that extra HP allows him to gank early.
If the jungler however starts on the other side (top) you should only take 1 minion and keep the other in case your ADC or you will need healing later on. Try to constantly have 1 charge and don't stay too much with 2. Consuming those charges gives you gold. And since you don't get Ancient Coin you're in need of that extra gold.
If the enemy team can poke you and your ADC try saving some charges for when you're in need of HP instead of using them when your ADC or you are at full HP.
Leona is one of the few supports that can take a ward out on their own without using Sweeping Lens.
Using your Shield of Daybreak you are able to land another attack that will count as an AA against the ward so using the combo: AA Shield of Daybreak AA you can leave the enemy team without vision. Early game that combo does wonders.
Try to bait the enemy team to ward the brush you're in. Get in a brush and use your Zenith Blade on minions or on enemy champs if you can. Why? They'll consider you a threat and ward the brush you're in so that they can dodge you properly.
The moment they ward you AA Q AA and reduce their vision and possibility to ward that brush again since they'll likely have/want a ward on the river.
Using your Shield of Daybreak you are able to land another attack that will count as an AA against the ward so using the combo: AA Shield of Daybreak AA you can leave the enemy team without vision. Early game that combo does wonders.
Try to bait the enemy team to ward the brush you're in. Get in a brush and use your Zenith Blade on minions or on enemy champs if you can. Why? They'll consider you a threat and ward the brush you're in so that they can dodge you properly.
The moment they ward you AA Q AA and reduce their vision and possibility to ward that brush again since they'll likely have/want a ward on the river.
Leona being a tanky support will rely more on the resolve and cunning masteries in her matches.
There's no reason to pick anything from Ferocity so we make our picks from Cunning and Resolve.
Cunning here is an easy pick. You won't ever need Savagery, Runic Affinity or Merciless making the first three picks obvious.
The last pick should be what you're more comfortable with and what matches your play style.
There's no reason to pick anything from Ferocity so we make our picks from Cunning and Resolve.
Cunning here is an easy pick. You won't ever need Savagery, Runic Affinity or Merciless making the first three picks obvious.
The last pick should be what you're more comfortable with and what matches your play style.
Leona is a strong pick for a Ranked Game. Providing a solid tank which in turn allows the team to go get champs with more damage, sacrificing armor/mr.
Synergy is also important, for example if you have a Malphite jungle or top, the game can be considered a win late game. When both Leona and Malphite ult and catch even three champions your ADC and MID can deal tons of damage taking them out instantly, allowing you to push/chase the remaining champions or go for objectives.
Synergy is also important, for example if you have a Malphite jungle or top, the game can be considered a win late game. When both Leona and Malphite ult and catch even three champions your ADC and MID can deal tons of damage taking them out instantly, allowing you to push/chase the remaining champions or go for objectives.
With this, I end my guide.
It is my first guide ever and I finally decided to make one for my favorite champions who helped me grow from unranked-level 1 to Gold 5 in one year.
Any suggestions and positive criticism is appreciated. Head to the comments section and input your opinion. I read all the comments and will reply asap.
It is my first guide ever and I finally decided to make one for my favorite champions who helped me grow from unranked-level 1 to Gold 5 in one year.
Any suggestions and positive criticism is appreciated. Head to the comments section and input your opinion. I read all the comments and will reply asap.
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