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Ashe Build Guide by Danimal 69

AD Carry Low elo Ashe guide

AD Carry Low elo Ashe guide

Updated on December 23, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Danimal 69 Build Guide By Danimal 69 6,042 Views 0 Comments
6,042 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Danimal 69 Ashe Build Guide By Danimal 69 Updated on December 23, 2015
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About me

Just an average player started in season 3. I have played about 800 games of ranked in each of the last 3 seasons and I am really looking forward to the sixth season. I started in bronze five and I have climbed up to as high as Gold 1 in Season 5 (lost my plat series).
This guide is good for low elo and players who have a low skill cap like my self. With this build u can provide VERY effective back line damage in team fights and also a very strong 1v1 build as well as a strong Early game build.
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Pros / Cons

Cons: Low mobility and single target damage. Pros: Very high consistant damage, Very low cooldowns,amazing engage and dissengage ult.

All of the amazing abilitys and kits in this game and you take them down with a bow and arrow. Simple.
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Ranked Play

Ashe should be played as an adc 100% of the time. Goes well with almost any support and is very tough to counter. Basically farm up while poking with w and occasionally a few auto attacks with Q stacked 4 times until you gain control in lane and force them back or kill them. Ashe can be played very passive in lane vs tough matchups. Basically Stay ahead or even in cs while harrasing then wait for opertune moments to land her ultimate
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Ashes Ult

How you use her ult will define what kind of an ashe player you are. Shooting your arrow from bot lane to top lane feels cool but is normally useless and waste. Save your ult for personal use and situations when you have almost a sure shot for a kill oppertunity. Her ult should not be wasted in the first 20 minutes. How you use the ult early will decide how the game goes. Late game the cooldown gets pretty low so it can be used a little more wildly but early game arrows are crucial to land
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Started this on 12/23/2015 This is my first Guide I have created. I will be working on it a little more in the future. Tips and comments always accepted :) Like i said early a low elo player with a good attitude currently in gold. Love talking about league and strats so post freely :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Danimal 69
Danimal 69 Ashe Guide
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Low elo Ashe guide

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