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Alistar Build Guide by chrisdjudge

Mad Cow?

Mad Cow?

Updated on December 6, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author chrisdjudge Build Guide By chrisdjudge 2,270 Views 0 Comments
2,270 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author chrisdjudge Alistar Build Guide By chrisdjudge Updated on December 6, 2013
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Hello fellow summoners my name is generalcdj, I am a Bronze elo (Toilet paper VI) player and am bringing you an Alistair build.
So of all champions, why Ali? Well Ali is one of highest cc champs in the game, which means that he is suited for a diverse set of roles, Ali can be played top (ad), mid (ap ali), jungle and supp. His skill set is also pretty interesting but is actually not picked a lot due to the fact that many players can't reach the W-Q combo which is Ali's core trick. (We will discuss the combo later).
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So runes, offensive runes aren't really recommended (unless you are ap or ad). Ali doesn't really have a use for offensive runes if he is going tanky because he eithre goes all in or doesnt get any at all.

However because ali's base dmg is nothing to laught at, pen and cd runes work really well on him. For yellows I believe that health, percentage health and armor all work on him, however if the enemy is strong early game (cait or graves) and will poke the living sh*t out of you I do suggest you take armor runes. Be prepared to die several times if you take percentage health (by far the best but only for pros)

Mr blues of course or cd ur call.

For quintences take anything u want, gold, hp, percentage hp, armor, mr they all work.
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Um on to masteries. Masteries are all def and some utility. runic shield and that tenactity thing are not really needed but I do like them so W/e.
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Flash : Great on any champ
Ghost : Great against champs like vayne who don't have a flash like ability (works)
Exhaust:Reduce dmg dealt, reduce atk spd, reduce MS I take it for top sometimes coz it
is so op
Ignite: Heavy aggro lane where your adc doesnt take ignite
Heal: Actually useful because it increases healing, that double heal can take people
by surprise.
Barrier:Not as good as heal
Clairvoyance: An interesting spell, nope
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Pros / Cons

Pros Cons
Heavy cc Low scaling
Reduce dmg by 70% Hit box is huge
Big cow running at enemies Reported for being a cow
Gain 90 ad for free Hard to master
Sustain Mana hungry
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Unique Skills

So 1st we'll talk about ur W-Q combo.

It actualy took me less than 5 min to get it but most people don't because they only want to go against players and don't bother to practice against bots. This skill requires enemies who won't kill you for messing ur combo up (bots).

1st you have to click W and wait until Ali is mid air before you click your Q (After takeoff but before impact) Which means you need your head in the game and not elsewhere.

Another thing you really need to know as ali is when o engage, timing is very important as Ali and you should always count the enemy cd's b4 u engage.
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Well thankyou for reading my guide to Ali, if you like it I'd be happy if you gave it a thumbs up and drop a comment down below. If you have any question feel free to P.M. me or pop a question and I will get back to you as soon as I can, cheers!
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