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Master Yi Build Guide by formula567

Master yi Hyper-carry guide ;)

Master yi Hyper-carry guide ;)

Updated on May 27, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author formula567 Build Guide By formula567 9,926 Views 1 Comments
9,926 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author formula567 Master Yi Build Guide By formula567 Updated on May 27, 2018
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Master Yi
    Master Yi on hit-crit
  • LoL Champion: Master Yi
    Master yi full crit


Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Sudden Impact
Ravenous Hunter


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Hello I am a master yi one trick and I am here to teach you some tips on how to play yi
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Pros / Cons


-Master Yi has no skill shots making master yi a very easy champion to master
- Master Yi has a quite a bit of AOE damage thanks to Alpha Strike!
- Master Yi has a decent power spike at level 6 and a bigger one when he gets blood razer
- Master Yi is very difficult to catch and chase due to him having high base movement speed
- Master Yi is one of the few champions who deals a lot of consistent true damage letting him take down tanks easier
- Master Yi in-targetability during Alpha Strike can make him very difficult to focus down
- Alpha Strike cooldown is reduced every second per auto-attack which means building full attack speed Master yi can be broken
- Master yi can tank quite a lot of ability due to the fact that meditate halfens the damage of the spell
- One of the best champions in the game for cleaning up a team fight and has one of the highest Penta-kill potential!
- One of the stronger 1 v 1 champions in late game
- Master Yi can be built multiple ways from full critical strike to full lethality to DPS。


Master Yi can have a bad time playing against early game jungle champions like Shaco, Lee Sin & Ww.
- Master Yi has no crowd control at all
- Master Yi heavily rely on items to be relevant on the battlefield, making you farming more than helping lanes.
- Master Yi can never start a team fights properly because he is just too weak to targeted crowd control.
- Master Yi is weak against Thornmail and AP burst champions.
- If he gets camped, countered and falls behind, it will take some time to get back into the game.
- Master Yi will always be targeted and focused down first.
- Master Yi can be really difficult to play at higher up on the rank ladder because they will know how to hard cc you .
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Team Work

Master yi isn't much of a team fighter but he can defiantly clean up a team fight easily, in other words you should let your tank or vanguard engage first and then follow up so you wont get cced and die
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As yi should always start red instead of blue, this is because red gives you extra clear speed, and after you take red you should skip raptors straight to Murk wolves then to gromp then to blue (you should always try to get scuttler since the gold got buffed) then back to raptors then you can gank mid or bot and by then you should have quite some gold and be able to buy your Skirmisher's Sabre, pots and a control ward maybe even boots if you got enough gold. When you go back into your jg you should start pathing toward your objectives and ganks.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author formula567
formula567 Master Yi Guide
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Master yi Hyper-carry guide ;)

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