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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Love Tap (PASSIVE)
Miss Fortune Passive Ability
I've been using this build for a month (before it was and I think this is probably the best build to use after the "CRIT ITEM CHANGES". better than lethality I felt like that fell off late game a lot. this build is really good if you wanna get fed early or play passive and farm more. if you wanna play passive definitely try to steal a few jungle camps for your dark havest scaling. I the core items probably shouldn't be changed but for the last two try what you think is the best.
but if you do change this build up a bit and find it better let me know.
this is my first build guide so clearly, I'm not very good at it yet but this was fun and I hope to do more in the future!
this is honestly where your one shot damage comes from. make sure you try to get as many dark harvest stacks as you can if not this build will not be fun for you.
I take cheap shot every time it's better than the other picks
for eyeball collection, that's what usually take but if you feel like your gonna get camped you could take zombie ward, or ghost poro,
ult hunter is the best in my opinion but if you don't feel like you use your ult (idk why you wouldn't) take relentless hunter.
for secondary I almost always take sorcery, with celerity and gathering storm,
but if I feel like its gonna be a hard matchup I take precision with triumph and blood line.
I take cheap shot every time it's better than the other picks
for eyeball collection, that's what usually take but if you feel like your gonna get camped you could take zombie ward, or ghost poro,
ult hunter is the best in my opinion but if you don't feel like you use your ult (idk why you wouldn't) take relentless hunter.
for secondary I almost always take sorcery, with celerity and gathering storm,
but if I feel like its gonna be a hard matchup I take precision with triumph and blood line.
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