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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Love Tap (PASSIVE)
Miss Fortune Passive Ability
Just use it when someone is low hp,smite him and gif him an attack (Q attack recommend)
Or use it when your in team fight and someone is low hp and he is running away.
Or when someone is coming to 1 vs 1 you and you know he is going to win with luck.
BUT dont use it for Supporters or tankers
Flash,dont use flash for a kill,only use it if you got Triple,quadra kill and you can get quadra/penta kill if you use flash (<-- an example).
Its better to use flash for running away from someone that is lil bit feed or is feed or is getting feed.
You can also use it when the whole enemy team want kill you like 5 vs1 and you are running away from them,flash in to the jungle to run away.
Q : Use this for enemy's not for minions,if you use for minions and you get ganked by the enemy,you can't use it anymore because of the cooldown. Use this everytime when you start a fight,when the cooldown is over,use it again,its really important.
W : use this when your fighting vs turret or enemy's,not minions
Use this everytime vs enemy's when the cooldown is over and when your fighting vs enemy's.
E : This is good for farming,for running away,team fights.
At team fights use it to slow enemy's so you can kill/run away with your team.
R : Use this everytime when someone is low hp,its better to w8 until 1-2-3-4-5 enemy's are low hp because you could kill more with this ultimate. Try to use it everytime when someone is low hp of your enemy's,it's an ultimate,it have to be used for that.
W : use this when your fighting vs turret or enemy's,not minions
Use this everytime vs enemy's when the cooldown is over and when your fighting vs enemy's.
E : This is good for farming,for running away,team fights.
At team fights use it to slow enemy's so you can kill/run away with your team.
R : Use this everytime when someone is low hp,its better to w8 until 1-2-3-4-5 enemy's are low hp because you could kill more with this ultimate. Try to use it everytime when someone is low hp of your enemy's,it's an ultimate,it have to be used for that.
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