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Senna Build Guide by HypoTheAced

Support Multitask Senna build - OUTDATED (may come back with mythic removal???)

Support Multitask Senna build - OUTDATED (may come back with mythic removal???)

Updated on October 5, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author HypoTheAced Build Guide By HypoTheAced 87 14 317,451 Views 8 Comments
87 14 317,451 Views 8 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author HypoTheAced Senna Build Guide By HypoTheAced Updated on October 5, 2023
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Runes: Lethal Tempo

1 2
Lethal Tempo
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Cut Down

Magical Footwear
Future's Market

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2 3
Against engage spells (support)
LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

Multitask Senna build - OUTDATED (may come back with mythic removal???)

By HypoTheAced
Hey y'all, this is a build that I made for Senna (it can work for ADC Senna too, but it's mainly for Support Senna). I feel like there is potential for this build and it has been performing well in my games, so don't be afraid to give it a try and let me know your thoughts! :)

For those wondering, the name came from all the different passives and stats this build gives Senna. She's doing it all at once - multitasking :D

It's currently season 13 a.k.a the tank meta and this is probably the only build I don't int with on Senna, so take that as you want :)

Note: This build may get updated here and there if there are any changes to the items, runes, or the champion itself.

Item Sequence

Serrated Dirk 1000

Serrated Dirk

You want to get this item as quick as you can. Serrated Dirk just gives you that big powerspike for laning phase, that can sometimes be harder for Senna (since she thrives more mid-late game). It synergizes well with healing on her Piercing Darkness scaling with (+ 40% bonus AD) (+ 40% AP) (+ 160% Lethality) and raw damage input to dominate the lane.
1st/2nd ITEM

Item Sequence

Wit's End 2800

Wit's End

(We can finish Eclipse or Duskblade of Draktharr after or before this item. It's up to your playstyle).

Your second powerspike is Wit's End. Some of you may ask why that specific item? To answer that question, it simply gives a lot of valuable stats to Senna for only 3100 gold. That includes level scaling on-hit AP dmg (procs through Piercing Darkness as well since it applies on-hit effects) with 40 Magic Resist, large amount of Attack Speed (40%), as well 40 AD and lastly 20 movement speed for 2 seconds for any unit hit (procs on Q as well), giving her amazing kiting potential while dealing a lot of dmg with a bonus of having MR against bursty mages or even AP assasins that any Senna player struggles against.
2nd/1st ITEM
Note: Patch 13.1b. brought some worse changes for Eclipse I would say. Replacing Omnivamp with Ability Haste hurts Senna, especially late-game where the omnivamp starts to show. However the passives and mythic passives still play a big role in deciding which item you should go (all discussed below).

Item Sequence

Eclipse 2800


Our mythic option is going to be a lethality mythic that is pretty common for Senna called Eclipse. It synergizes well with Senna's kit as a whole, especially her Q Piercing Darkness healing that scales off of the 12 Lethality it provides. Together with 60 AD it also gives us 15 Ability Haste that helps with her longer cooldowns.

Now we are getting to the passive, that's more complicated so let me just provide you with the whole text here: "Hitting an enemy champion with 2 separate attacks or abilities within 1.5 seconds deals them 3% of target's maximum health as bonus physical damage and grants you 15% bonus movement speed and a Hybrid resistances shield for (Melee 160 / Ranged 80) (+ (Melee 35% / Ranged 17.5%) bonus AD) for 2 seconds."

Last but not least it's mythic passive gives us bonus 4% Armor Penetration and 5 MS for every legendary item, which is good if the enemy team has 1 or 2 tanks.

(If versing more tanky team [2 and more], I suggest going Kraken Slayer.)

Item Sequence

Duskblade of Draktharr 3100

Duskblade of Draktharr

If there is a situation where the enemy team is squishy, or has no more than 1 tank you should/could (preference) build Duskblade. With the 60 AD, 18 Lethality and 20 Ability Haste it's a great mythic to pick up for more of a poking strategy.

This mythic is not only good because of the ability haste and big AD, but also because of the damage on the item passive: "Your next basic attack against an enemy champion deals (75 for Melee / 55 for Ranged) + (30% for Melee / 25% for Ranged) bonus attack damage)". Unlike Eclipse, it takes only one auto attack or one Q Piercing Darkness hit on the enemy to proc the passive. It's a great way to harras the enemy in the lane with Senna's long range.

(I personally like going Rapid Firecannon with Duskblade because it provides a good way of poking from Duskblade passive mixed with RFC bonus range.)

What's also unnoticable is the invisibility passive of this item (read in item description). This is a great way to escape messy fights and save your relatively-squishy self, or even surprise another enemy from a different angle.
3rd ITEM

Item Sequence

Guinsoo's Rageblade 3000

Guinsoo's Rageblade

This is our third item and here's why. In most of Senna's builds you will see this item, but for those who may not know why heres a quick rundown: "Senna's critical strikes deal 8.5% less damage" (written in her passive Absolution) - meaning she can't utilize crit well. By going Rageblade we convert the crit into on-hit AD (1% crit = 2 AD), counting crit from her passive Absolution too (10% crit for every 20 souls collected).

This item gives you a lot of Attack speed (45 %) as well with 20% crit. As we build more of our items, we get more crit from them to stack our Rageblade (for example Guinsoo's Rageblade itself, Lord Dominik's Regards or Mortal Reminder and our passive as the game progresses...).

What's also a big plus is that this item synergizes really great with Wit's End because of it's second passive: "Every 3rd auto attack aplies ALL ON-HIT effects TWICE." Meaning your Wit's End bonus on-hit AP dmg is gonna be applied twice, dealing even more damage.
4th ITEM
Note: Patch 13.1b. brought some big changes to Mortal Reminder.

Last but not least our 4th item options are Lord Dominik's Regards or Mortal Reminder.

Item Sequence

Mortal Reminder 3000

Mortal Reminder

The 4th item we will build 90% of the time is Mortal Reminder. This item helps out tremendiously against enemy teams that have a lot of healing and Armor.

The item now gives 35 AD, 20% Crit and 30% Armor Penetration all together with 40% Antiheal (it can be triggered by Piercing Darkness as well). So we get armor penetration and antiheal all in 1 item. As I mentioned above there is no reason for us not to go this item on Senna most of the time.

It may even be a good idea to buy Executioner's Calling part early against healing botlane matchups ( Soraka, Yuumi, Samira, Nami...) and continuing building your other more important items instead of instantly buying Mortal Reminder as a whole. This gives us the antiheal needed for laning phase without needing the full item and finish it sometime later.

Item Sequence

Lord Dominik's Regards 3000

Lord Dominik's Regards

There may be occasion where the enemy team just has big hp bars, and in those cases we take this item as our 4th item instead.

If we read Senna's Absolution passive, we can see this: "If Senna applies Mist to the same target twice, she collects it, dealing 1% − 10% (based on level) of target's current health as bonus physical damage." (maximum 10% reached at level 10)

Senna basicaly has bruiser built in her kit, scaling with level. Going LDR in our build gives us except the 35 AD, with 20% crit (for our Guinsoo's Rageblade) also 30% Armor Penetration with a 25% bonus health damage against enemies with more health that you passive. This synergizes well with Senna's passive as the game goes on.
Late Game - 5th ITEM (replace for starter item)
(note: only sell your support item for these items if you can buy it at ONCE - it's not worth selling it only for a part).

Item Sequence

Spirit Visage 2900

Spirit Visage

If you get to late-game and you are already full build one fo your 5th item options should be either Spirit Visage or Guardian Angel. These items will be a replacement for your support item Black Mist Scythe.

As we all know ADCs and squishy champions late-game have a hard time surviving without any peel. That's why going this item as very last is a really good choice. For 2900 gold it sustains us with 450 HP, 100% Base HP Regeneration with 10 Ability Haste and 40 Magic Resistance.

We wanna go this item if the enemy team is mostly consisting of AP damage [ 3 AP champs and more ] or knowing Wit's End is not enough.

Spirit Visage also has a really profitable passive: "Increases all healing and shielding received by 25%". You can use this well together with Eclipse Omni Vamp and Shield passive proc.

Later in game, where Senna shines the most, this definitely becomes usefull since it synergizes well with our kit. As mentioned above for the small price we get a lot of valuable stats that will help us survive in the crazy state of late game.

Item Sequence

Guardian Angel 3200

Guardian Angel

Our other option to replace the warding item is Guardian Angel. For those who don't know what it does, after few seconds you die it basicaly revives you with some percentage of your health and mana.

The revive option is on a very long cooldown (without item haste 5 mins), so be prepared to only use it once, if lucky more times, since it's late game and everything depends one teamfight/good pick.

This item gives us 45 AD and 40 Armor, so basicaly it makes us more tanky giving us slightly bigger chance of survival later in game. It significanly helps against extreme poke/burst team since you can be oneshot even from distance as an ADC champion and get a second chance.

I would advise getting this item if the enemy team is mostly consisting of AD damage [ 3 AD champs or more ].

You should get these items especially if your team doesn't provide any peel for you in form of tanks/bruisers or even assasins that can distract the enemy team long enough for you to finish them off from distance.

Item Sequence

Boots of Swiftness 900

As for boots, most Senna players preffer Boots of Swiftness which give 60 Movement Speed + 20% Slow Resist that helps against slows (best example laning against Ashe) and with kiting.

These boots are better in games where the gold income isn't as great, or as a situational item mentioned above why. However if we are talking about the movement speed we already have Wit's End, that gives us a lot of that bonus movement speed on-hit.

Item Sequence

Plated Steelcaps 1000

I prefer to go in most cases Plateled Steelcaps with benefits such as 20 Armor, 45 Movement Speed + Damage taken reduced by 12%.

These boots are little more expensive compared to Boots of Swiftness, but much more worth it in my oppinion as for the laning phase against early game ADCs ( Tristana, Jhin, Draven, Miss Fortune...), AD Supports ( Pyke...) or both and most importantly good against AD assasin = lethality - which is just flat armor penetration (1 lethality negates 1 armor) . Additionaly, they give us little of that tankiness for the mid-late game that goes well with our MR from Wit's End.

Item Sequence

Mercury's Treads 1100

If there is ever a situation where the enemy team has a lot of CC (Stuns, Charms, Fears, Polymorph, Taunts, Blinds, Silences) there is an option to go for Mercurys Treads, that give us that needed 30% Tenacity together with 25 MR and 45 MS.

You can argue here and say why not take these against AP Assasins, like we did with Steelcaps against AD Assasins? Well because Steelcaps reduce incoming damage by 12% as well, while Merc Treads do not reduce incoming magic damage but give us Tenacity. That means we should prioritise these boots against hard CC teams as mentioned above.
GENERAL TIPS (support Senna)
- Don't roam with Senna. Since you don't get AD with levels, you need soul stacks from lane. Use your global ultimate Dawning Shadow to help out other lanes. This doesn't include helping your jungler with dragons or rotating to help with a fight in the river.

- Your passive Absolution gives you extra AD, range, and crit. But not many know it also extends your Q Piercing Darkness length depending on how many souls you have = collecting souls is essential.

- After you get Serrated Dirk you can poke much more, no matter the matchup. However try hiding behind minions as much as you can against hook supports.

- Having around 60 souls at 15th minute is ideal, so pretty much try getting 20 souls per 5 mins

- Take the kills if you can, don't let your team flame you if you do so. You can snowball with them as much (if not more) as your ADC.

- If versing tank supports, try getting your support item stacks and souls from poking them instead of the ADC. They have to walk up to the minions for their support item, giving you a space to punish them.

- If versing a mage/enchanter support try poking the ADC for your souls and support item through your Q preferably.

- Your ultimate Dawning Shadow does NOT hurt minions or jungle monsters! Don't try to steal dragons or barons with it.

- Try learning ward + Q trick for either poking or even killing a low HP enemy that would escape. It can also help if you yourself are low HP and there are no units to Q through.

- While in your E Curse of the Black Mist you become untargetable against point-and-click abilites AS LONG as the enemy is outside of your E radius (can help if timed perfectly against Caitlyn's Ace in the Hole, Veigar's Primordial Burst etc.)

- It's good to build Umbral Glaive if the enemy team places a lot of wards/pink wards to clear them faster, since the attack speed early game is too slow.

- When you and your team are taking a turret, or killing a dragon/baron, align your Q Piercing Darkness so that it heals your allies and damages the target at the same time for the maximum effect.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author HypoTheAced
HypoTheAced Senna Guide
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Multitask Senna build - OUTDATED (may come back with mythic removal???)

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