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Runes: Primary rune page
+10% Attack Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order Standard
Goes Where He Pleases (PASSIVE)
Dr. Mundo Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Camille has high mobility, true damage, and strong dueling potential, especially with her passive and the Hextech Ultimatum (her R), which isolates Mundo. Watch out for her Q (Precision Protocol), which deals significant damage on a second hit, and her E (Hookshot), which allows her to engage or disengage quickly. How to deal with her: Play defensively early: Camille thrives in extended trades and 1v1s. Avoid overextending early and wait for her cooldowns (particularly her Q). Build Armor early: Items like plated steel caps or Thornmail help mitigate her damage. Use your passive: Mundo's health regeneration becomes crucial in extended trades. After Camille uses her abilities, take advantage of the downtime to heal. Punish her when her abilities are on cooldown: Camille’s mobility is reduced after using her abilities, so look for windows of opportunity to trade back when her cooldowns are down. and use your cleavers to farm in lane when possible and look for Ganks as mutch you can. survive lane fase and seek to help your jungle as mutch you can in early game.
Champion Build Guide
2. Manage the Wave: Mundo doesn’t have great wave clear early, so avoid pushing too hard unless necessary. Focus on last hitting to maintain control over the lane without overextending.
3. Avoid Crowd Control: Mundo struggles when silenced or stunned. Be cautious of champions with strong crowd control (like W (Feral Scream) from Cho'Gath or Q (Fling) from Singed). Position yourself to avoid these abilities.
4. Short Trades: Mundo is better in extended trades, but if you’re against a bursty laner, go for short trades with your Q (Infected Cleaver). Don’t stand in their damage zones for too long.
5. Play Safe Until Level 6: Mundo’s R (Sadism) is a huge power spike. Before 6, play more conservatively, especially against champions with strong all-ins. Once you hit 6, use Sadism to survive big trades or dives.
6. Build Sustain and Resistances: Early items like Doran's Shield or Heart of Gold can help with sustain. As the game progresses, build Spirit Visage and Thornmail to boost healing and resist damage.
7. Be Careful of Dives: If you’re low on health, be mindful of jungler pressure, especially when you’re below 40% HP. Keep an eye on the minimap and play safe when needed.
8. Take Advantage of Your Health: Mundo’s high health pool makes him tanky. If the enemy laner has used their abilities or has poor sustain, use your health advantage to poke with Q and trade effectively.
By playing patiently, managing your health, and avoiding major crowd control, you can dominate the lane and scale into the late game where Mundo becomes an unstoppable tank.
Mundo’s primary job in the mid-game is to soak up damage for your team and control objectives. You should be leading the charge in team fights, using your high health pool to absorb damage and initiate fights. Use your R (Sadism) to stay alive during extended fights, making you difficult to kill.
2. Positioning is Key
Mundo lacks mobility, so positioning is critical. Stick with your team and be aware of flanks. Your goal is to engage in fights where you can take damage, peel for your carries, and use your healing to stay in the fight.
3. Use Your Cleaver Effectively
Your Q (Infected Cleaver) is a strong poke tool and a way to start fights. Use it to engage or kite enemies. Hitting your cleaver can help slow down targets and ensure you stick to them during team fights. Don't overuse it, as you need mana to stay relevant in fights.
4. Build for Tankiness and Sustain
During the mid-game, you should have completed items like Spirit Visage (for enhanced healing) and Sunfire Aegis (for more tank stats). Depending on the enemy composition, build resistances like Thornmail to reduce healing or Adaptive Helm for magic resist. These items improve your overall durability and sustain in fights.
5. Objectives and Map Control
Mundo is great at securing objectives, so be sure to help your team take Dragon, Rift Herald, or Baron. Your tankiness and healing allow you to tank these objectives for your team without dying. Keep vision control around key objectives and help secure vision before big fights.
6. Avoid Overextending
Even though you're tanky, don't overcommit to solo pushes or risky engagements. Mundo thrives in team fights, so don’t overextend and get caught out. Always have your team nearby for support.
7. Use Your Healing to Outlast Enemies
Mundo's healing in the mid-game is a huge advantage. Use your R (Sadism) to shrug off damage during extended fights and try to bait enemies into attacking you, allowing your team to focus on squishier targets. If you’re caught low, don’t hesitate to retreat and heal up quickly with R.
1. Embrace Your Role as a Tank
By the late game, Mundo should be the frontline tank for your team. Your goal is to absorb as much damage as possible and protect your carries. Use Sadism (R) strategically to sustain through extended fights and make yourself incredibly difficult to kill, especially when your health is low.
2. Engage with Confidence
Mundo can soak up tons of damage, so use that to your advantage by initiating fights or engaging when your team is ready. Position yourself at the front to absorb skillshots and attacks, forcing the enemy to focus on you while your carries deal damage.
3. Target Priority in Fights
Mundo’s job is to peel for your carries, but if you’re able to, target the enemy backline. Use your Q (Infected Cleaver) to catch out squishy champions and slow them down. Don’t hesitate to focus the enemy’s damage dealers while soaking up damage for your team.
4. Positioning and Vision Control
Positioning is critical, especially in the late game. Stick with your team during objective fights, like Baron or Dragon, to help tank and secure these important objectives. Always ensure you have vision around key areas on the map to prevent surprise engagements.
5. Sustain and Healing
Mundo’s R (Sadism) and high health pool give him incredible sustain in the late game. Use your R effectively to stay alive in fights, especially after taking damage. Your passive healing and items like Spirit Visage will help you outlast enemies in prolonged engagements.
6. Be Cautious of Execution Damage
Some champions or abilities may threaten your life with true damage or execute mechanics (like Karthus’ R or Cho’Gath’s R). Be mindful of your health and avoid getting too low, as some enemies may be able to take you out when you're under a certain threshold.
7. Build for Maximum Tankiness
In the late game, focus on completing full tank items like Thornmail, Spirit Visage, and Dead Man’s Plate to maximize your survivability. If the enemy team has significant magic damage, consider building Adaptive Helm to reduce their burst damage.
8. Take Over the Map
Mundo excels at controlling objectives due to his sustain and tankiness. Use your health advantage to help your team secure major objectives like Baron or Dragon, and be the first to engage on enemy structures. Your healing allows you to tank damage from objectives without worrying about dying too quickly.
9. Adapt to Team Fights
In team fights, Mundo is typically the focal point of enemy damage. Position yourself to absorb skillshots, use Q to peel for your team or slow down threats, and use Sadism (R) to stay alive as long as possible. Your job is to make the enemy focus on you while your team deals the damage they need to secure the victory.
As Mundo, your primary role is to be the frontline, soaking up damage for your team. Position yourself at the front of team fights, using your massive health pool to absorb as much damage as possible. Lead the charge into fights and force the enemy team to focus on you while your damage dealers take down priority targets.
2. Use (R) Effectively
Mundo's R is his most powerful tool for tanking. It provides a huge healing boost and makes you significantly tankier for a period of time. Activate it when you're about to engage in fights or when you're about to take heavy damage, allowing you to stay alive longer and out-sustain enemy damage.
3. Use Infected Cleaver (Q) to Peel
Mundo's Q (Infected Cleaver) is not just for poking enemies; it can also be used to peel for your carries. If an enemy champion dives onto your backline, use Q to slow them and disrupt their positioning. The slow makes it harder for them to chase your carries, giving your team more time to react.
4. Build Full Tank Items
To maximize your tanking ability, prioritize building tank items that increase your health, resistances, and sustain. Spirit Visage improves your healing and boosts your durability, while Thornmail or Sunfire Aegis adds resistances and damage mitigation. Dead Man's Plate or Randuin's Omen can provide extra durability and help you engage or disengage more effectively.
5. Maintain Your Health Pool
Mundo relies heavily on his health to tank effectively. While your Passive and R help sustain you in fights, it's important to build items that increase your health pool. Warmog's Armor is a great option for health regeneration, ensuring you can heal up between fights or after taking heavy damage.
6. Be Aware of Crowd Control
Though Mundo is hard to kill, he’s still vulnerable to crowd control. Try to avoid being caught by stuns, silences, or slows that can lock you down and prevent you from soaking damage. Position yourself so that you can absorb the enemy’s crowd control while your carries deal damage. If necessary, coordinate with your team to peel for you when CC-heavy champions are focused on you.
7. Use Masochism (W) for Damage Mitigation
While primarily a tank, Mundo can also use W (Masochism) to increase his damage output when needed. Activate W when engaging or trading to increase your auto-attack damage and clear waves faster. However, always prioritize your tanking role first, and use W strategically for extra sustain or to apply more pressure.
8. Play Smart with Positioning
Position yourself so that you can soak damage from high-priority threats like assassins or enemy carries, but don’t overextend and get caught out. Mundo lacks mobility, so always be mindful of your positioning. Stick with your team and use your Q to engage or disengage as needed.
9. Secure Objectives
Mundo is fantastic at tanking objectives like Dragon, Rift Herald, and Baron. Use your high health and healing to absorb damage from these objectives while your team helps secure them. With (R), you can tank these objectives for extended periods without worrying about dying.
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