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Nautilus Build Guide by Dayruiner

Support Nautilus Support Build

Support Nautilus Support Build

Updated on May 8, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dayruiner Build Guide By Dayruiner 7 0 44,315 Views 1 Comments
7 0 44,315 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Dayruiner Nautilus Build Guide By Dayruiner Updated on May 8, 2024
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Runes: Classic Naut

1 2
Font of Life
Second Wind

Hextech Flashtraption
Cosmic Insight

+10% Attack Speed
+2% Movement Speed
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


Always Runes
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None
Hi! My name is Kristian aka Dayruiner. I've been playing League of Legends since Season 3 when AP Sion was still a thing. I picked up Nautilus in Season 5 back when LemonNation made it popular in pro play. I am still an active player streaming Monday-Friday @8AM-4PM PST. If you find this guide handy and would like support my work, please feel free to drop my stream and hit the follow button! (:
+ Self Peel
+ Great roaming support
+ Effective team fight potential
+ Strong backline access
+ Strong crowd control options
+ High damage for a tank
- Limited disengagement potential
- Susceptible to constant harass
- Mana intensive
- Ability animations are easy to spot
- Team reliant
- Slow to leave fights
At the end of the day, Nautilus is here to ruin your day and if you try to ruin his day, he'll make sure to drag you down with him to the bottom of the ocean or into outter space! :D
Glacial Nautilus is meant to be used against ranged champions or semi ranged champions such as Thresh Rakan Lulu Sona etc. Understand that you are incredibly squishy early but have a better mid/late game as Glacial Augment reduces the damage of anybody hit by your cc.
We take Hextech Flashtraption for flashy plays over walls, hiding in bushes, and even for baits! This ability allows you to charge up Hextech Flashtraption for a brief amount of time before you "flash" over a short distance. Typically you want to use this out of enemy vision to get the jump on them.
We take Minion Dematerializer here in lane so that you can create some flashy plays by dematerializing a minion in lane, then promptly using Dredge Line to land a hook. You can also use this to help shove a lane more quickly. I recommend almost always trying to dematerialize a cannon over anything else.
Cosmic Insight is another must on both kits. As a support, especially as a hook champion, you're expected to get the fight going. Meaning, we blow our summoners A LOT. This helps reduce both summoner spell cool downs AND item cool downs. Even a few seconds can make the difference between a game winning hook or sitting on your hands waiting for that hook to go off cool down.
Font of Life is necessary in both kits for the undeniable fact that Nautilus is a healthy boy and because of all this health, Font of Life is a must. In a nut shell, whatever you cc, your adc heals 5hp per auto attack PLUS 1 for every thousand health that you have. I don't think people realize how much and adc auto attacks, but its a lot. Tag on [[Knight's
Vow]] with this rune and you're healing your adc for just existing.
Revitalize is a steriod for Font of Life Knight's Vow and Locket of the Iron Solari. It boost your shields, and healing by 5%. If you're adc is below 40% health, that ratio is now boosted to 10%.
Glacial Nautilus is good against ranged supports and semi ranged champions such as Thresh or Rakan because your hook or passive triggers Glacial Augment which reduces the damage being dealt by anybody in the rays by 15%. This is bread and butter if your main goal is to peel your adc rather than initating a fight.

We take Aftershock when we're playing against champions like Leona Pyke Alistar or any adc/apc that we're trying to snowball such as
Draven Lucian Kalista. Because Aftershock makes you super tanky upon hitting an enemy with a hook it makes it really appealing if you're
trying to get an early lead on your enemy. One downside about going Aftershock is that you can get kited out really easily. It makes it for a less
appealing mid/late game.
Font of Life is necessary in both kits for the undeniable fact that Nautilus is a healthy boy and because of all this health, Font of Life is a must. In a nut shell, whatever you cc, your adc heals 5hp per auto attack PLUS 1 for every thousand health that you have. I don't think people realize how much and adc auto attacks, but its a lot. Tag on Knight's Vow with this rune and you're healing your adc for just existing.
Second Wind is a must for lane, especially when you're going up against champions like Karma Vel'Koz Senna and against heavy poke
champions such as Ezreal Jhin or Xayah. Pretty much, when you get hit with an ability or auto attack you start healing a
percentage of your health. It's like a mini potion which is why I really enjoy Aftershock Nautilus. Going Aftershock tends to be a lot more
forgiving than Glacial Nautilus.
I'm a huge fan of Unflinching. More than a huge fan, I'm pretty sure I'd rather take this rune than most of the other runes.
The part that sucks though, is Unflinching is situational now. If you're laning against another hook champion such as Pyke Thresh
Leona Rell or really just a ton of crowd control like Lissandra Skarner K'Sante this rune is most likely for you. If you get cc'd
this rune gives you 2-10 armor/magic resist for two seconds at the point of being crow controlled. Meaning if you get hooked, your defenses go up for a
short time.
We take Hextech Flashtraption for flashy plays over walls, hiding in bushes, and even for baits! This ability allows you to charge up Hextech Flashtraption for a brief amount of time before you "flash" over a short distance. Typically you want to use this out of enemy vision to get the jump on them.
Cosmic Insight is another must on both kits. As a support, especially as a hook champion, you're expected to get the fight going. Meaning, we blow our summoners A LOT. This helps reduce both summoner spell cool downs AND item cool downs. Even a few seconds can make the difference between a game winning hook or sitting on your hands waiting for that hook to go off cool down.
Aftershock Nautilus is a lot more agressive and tankier. If I'm playing with a Lucian Draven or against any melee supports such as Pyke Leona then I'm playing Aftershock. Pretty much anytime you're trying to snowball (win early and get kills) your lane, Aftershock is for you.

(Passive): Staggering Blow Nautilus first Attack against a target deals increased physical damage and roots them briefly. Some important things I've learned along the years, Staggering Blow can actually interrupt certain champion ultimates such as Ornn ult Call of the Forge God and even Fiddlesticks ult Crowstorm if timed correctly.
(Q): Dredge Line Nautilus hurls his anchor forward. Colliding with an enemy pulls them and Nautilus together, dealing magic damage. Colliding with terrain pulls Nautilus towards it. This is considered and Airborne (knock up) attack. MEANING you can interrupt channeled abilites such as Vi Q, Sion Q, Aurelion Sol Q, Malzahar R, Zac E, Shen R, etc.
(W): Titan's Wrath Nautilus gains a temporary Shield. While it persists, his Attacks deal damage over time to his target and surrounding enemies. This ability also resets Nautilus attack so you get two hits for one.

(E): Riptide Nautilus creates three exploding waves around himself. Each explosion damages and slows enemies.

(R): Depth Charge Nautilus fires a shockwave into the earth that chases an opponent. This shockwave rips up the earth above it, knocking enemies into the air. When it reaches the opponent, the shockwave erupts, knocking his target into the air and stunning them.




















We max Dredge Line first for Glacial Augment Nautilus. Instead of banging it out in the trench lines, you're more of a hit and run champion. We max Titan's Wrath so that we can last in the trenches a bit longer before you run. Then we max Riptide for the slows.




















Aftershock Nautilus is by far my favorite. You're really tanky after landing Dredge Line, hence why we max Titan's Wrath. Titan's Wrath gives you a bigger shield and more AoE damage. We max Riptide after Titan's Wrath for further damage and to add a slow. Then we max Dredge Line. This build isn't hit and run, its quite the opposite. You want to stay and fight.

Ignite AND Flash ALWAYS! Your job as Nautilus is to get kills for your adc. This secures that kill.

World Atlas is the default item for any support now. I encourage you to build it into Solstice Sleigh or Celestial Opposition for Nautilus. Solstice Sleigh provides a speed buff for you and your nearest/most damaged ally whenever you slow or immobilize a champion. Going Celestial Oppositionreduces incoming damage which allows tanks to soak up more damage when they go in for trades and skirmishes.

You normally go Oracle Lens to invade. If you can, try to reset after the invade and grab a Stealth Ward for early vision. If you can't swap trinkets and you're forced to keep Oracle Lens, be on guard for the enemy jungle to show on your side of the map around level 2-3.

Boots of Swiftness are nice overall because it's 100 gold cheaper tahn Mobility Boots and you do not get the movement speed debuff for being in combat. You're still rather quick, so you can go about and roam when needed.

After securing Boots of Swiftness, you definitely want to rush Bramble Vest. Rushing Bramble Vest is an investment into your future, espeically if you're up against anyone with a heal or self-heal such as Milio, Sona, Karma, Lulu, Yuumi, Darius, Maokai, Warwick, Bel'Veth, and etc. Then start building towards Locket of the Iron Solari.

The only time I don't build Bramble Vest is if I'm already playing with a champion that has built in heal cut like Varus OR if the enemy team has no healers. For example, if you are playing against a Skarner top, Lee Sin jungle, Ahri mid, Jinx adc and Vel'Koz support, you wouldn't neeed Bramble Vest.

For example, if you're laning against a Yasuo and Braum or Yasuo anything. This build is for you. Rush Frozen Heart into Bramble Vest. After you buy Bramble Vest, build either Knight's Vow or Zeke's Convergence. this really just depends on how good your fellow laner is. If my laner is having a hard time avoiding Yasuo's W, I will build Knight's Vow, but if my laner has no issues avoiding Yasuo's W, then I will build Zeke's Convergence for the extra damage and slow. After building both Zeke's Convergence and Knight's Vow, go ahead and wrap up completing Thornmail.

For example, if you're laning against Aphelios and Vel'Koz or really any heavy magic damage team, this build is for you. First and foremost, we rush Mercury's Treads into a Locket of the Iron Solari. This will help your while team take less damage when you decide to engage. Then Kaenic Rookern because of the magic shield it gives you. It's a bit selfish, but as a tank we would like to survive as long as possible when we decide to engage. Now we can worry about our carry and buy Knight's Vow so that they too can have more sustain and durability. Wrap this build up with Zeke's Convergence so that we can slow and do AoE damage to those pesky mages.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dayruiner
Dayruiner Nautilus Guide
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Nautilus Support Build

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