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Early Game
In lane Nidalee is a complete bully, her damage output is much higher then most adcs and supports early game and it is very easy to make the enemy ADC fall extremly far behind and be useless for a large portion of the game. The easiest way to win lane is to zone out the enemy ADC with your Javelin Toss until they are low enough to quickly burst down or recall from lane. When you all in its important to be aware if the enemy has Flash or an escape such as an Ezreal Arcane Shift because it will change your all in combo. If they have no escapes its best to use the normal combo Javelin Toss Aspect Of The Cougar Pounce Swipe Takedown but if they do an escape its better to use Takedown first as Swipe is a ranged attack and may be able to secure you the kill.
Mid Game
Late Game
In lane Nidalee is a complete bully, her damage output is much higher then most adcs and supports early game and it is very easy to make the enemy ADC fall extremly far behind and be useless for a large portion of the game. The easiest way to win lane is to zone out the enemy ADC with your Javelin Toss until they are low enough to quickly burst down or recall from lane. When you all in its important to be aware if the enemy has Flash or an escape such as an Ezreal Arcane Shift because it will change your all in combo. If they have no escapes its best to use the normal combo Javelin Toss Aspect Of The Cougar Pounce Swipe Takedown but if they do an escape its better to use Takedown first as Swipe is a ranged attack and may be able to secure you the kill.
Mid Game
Late Game
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