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Some Words To Say:
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Starting Items:
About My Prefered Items
Something to say about the Tanky Items?
EDIT: After reading the Comments I noticed that I forgot to mention Lich Bane. Yeah Lich Bane is a good item on Nidalee too. It fits perfect with your cougar form! (I srsly don't know why, but i dont like to buy this item for some unknow reason. But its still good.!)
- I prefer to start with these items, but Doran's Ring in combination with some Potions is a pretty good alternative too.
- Boots are a good start against skillshot based champions. (At Example Brand, or Nidalee itself)
- I was asked about a start with Faerie Charm -> Also this is possible, if you love to spam your spears, and want to instant rush tear when back, then buy this.
About My Prefered Items
- Liandry's Torment is an amazing item on Nidalee. It gives a good substain in laning phase and increses your damage in the whole game. It will also assist your traps, the combination of two DoT's will kill any survivor.
- Archangel's Staff will increse your Ability Power too and when its Upgraded to Seraph's Embrace it will give you a nice shield. (If you still got Mana Problems, they will end with this item.)
Something to say about the Tanky Items?
- Rod of Ages is an amazing item in all. (I love to buy it with nearly every Midlaner) He gives you an incredible substain in your lane, even in the whole game! It's like the perfect HP-AP mix in one item. At least the Passive of Catalyst of Aeons can help you a lot!(:
- Rylai's fit's pretty well with Nidalee's Bushwhack and can help you with your spears. so if the enemie stepps on a trap you can hit your Spear much easyer, because the targets are slowed
EDIT: After reading the Comments I noticed that I forgot to mention Lich Bane. Yeah Lich Bane is a good item on Nidalee too. It fits perfect with your cougar form! (I srsly don't know why, but i dont like to buy this item for some unknow reason. But its still good.!)
- Blitzboy told me that I totally forgot it. Thanks!
- Idecided to go for Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration because they just give what a Nidalee needs. The Armor-Penetration is just perfect for harassing the enemie with you Auto Attacks in the Laning Phase. With level 6 this Armor Peneration also fits amazing with your Cougar.
Seals and Glyphs
- In my opinion, the Armor of Greater Seal of Armor is just an Have-To on most of all Champions. It just really helps you in laning phase and in late game. At least you may have noticed, this guide doesn't include many resists. Just in the runes, so I would advise you, to use these.
- For the Greater Glyph of Magic Resist ist just the same like for The Seal. So I neednt comment these (:
Here some Tipps and Tricks for playing as Nidalee
1)Bouncing Nidalee
How to do this?
- Go in your Aspect Of The Cougar
- Use your W - Pounce
- While Pouncing, transform back with Aspect Of The Cougar
- Thadaa. So just press fast, one by one: R-W
2)Seriously take a look to these Positions
3)A little trick with your settings
With just a little Trick in your settings, you can walk through every wolf (etc.) camp without taking aggro of them. This can be very useful, if you want to snipe your low life opponent on the mid lane
- Go to your Key Bindings
- Scroll down a bit
- Search for the 'Target Champions Only' Setting and set it to a Key you want
- Press this Key, while going to wolf camps etc and you will notice, you cant target the Minions anymore
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After playing all my Nidalee matches I'd like to share my Trap positions with you:
Its simply easy to know, where to trap:
Its simply easy to know, where to trap:
- On this Picture, the RED circles are showing the places for agressiv traps.
They are just to out-zone your opponent or to harass him
- The GREEN ones are for your own security. They can uncover an enemie jungle, when he tries to gank you. but the ycan also give you an excellent vision about where the jungle at the moment is.
- Also take your traps to facecheck. Put they in every bush, where enemies can be in. THEN follow.
- When laning-pahse is over, just spam your traps where ever enemies can be and wherever enemies can walk through
A special Thank-You to these People:
- Deloran for all his Tips and corrections in my Guide (:
- Bischu for being an amazing Streamer and an amazing Nidalee teacher
- TMT DiveMaster for training me so hard (:
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