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Recommended Items
Runes: Noxian Support
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Noxian Speed
Ability Order Noxian Support
Hemorrhage (PASSIVE)
Darius Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Ideal Synergies
If the Morg is good she can react and black shield if you ever get in range to E the adc or her.
Ashe slow helps darius's biggest weakness of being immobile
Ashe slow helps darius's biggest weakness of being immobile
Champion Build Guide
Hey everyone Im ultimatik and this is my first guide here, I have been playing Darius support for a while now and it is very underrated and people do not respect you at all. Darius is unique where he can play support and still be just as powerful as top lane. Most of Darius's power comes in the form of his passive and being support makes that arguably easier to accomplish. With another champion to bait peel CC engage etc for you being able to get your 5 stacks on someone is very easy. Being able to be a tanky support that if the enemy is not careful can burst down someone from 100-0 is incredible. People really need to try this out if they have not and here is the guide to help you out on your journey into Darius support one of the most overlooked and best strategy's imo.
- One of the strongest early game champs
- level 2 power spike of hook and w can kill most adc's if followed up on
- Can win the game himself unlike most supports
- Underestimated and can catch people sleeping
- Weak in lane mid game
- Rely s on adc for engage and longer range cc
- tough to play into someone who knows what to do against support darius
Early Game
You will want to mostly hide in bushes and weave in and out to try and get the opponents to make a mistake. If your adc has any form of cc (Ashe, Jhin etc) then that is the point to go in and get a grab. unlike most support a Darius grab that is followed up on usually results in a kill assuming you have your summoners and its not under the turret. As 5 stacks early game is a lot of damage. Darius falls off in lane later in the game but around this time you should have mobility boots which we will get into now.
After purchasing mobility boots you will want to only be in the bot lane if you adc is losing very hard. Once you get your mobi's you will essentially be a 2nd jungler being able to run in and hook and w slow your enemy's. This is a very effective way to gank and with any follow up usually results in 5 stacks and a dunk. You will not be wasting any time either as with mobi's you are easily able to access what lanes need help or have enemy laners pushed out too far and run over there.
Team Fighting
In team fights you will essentially be playing as any other Darius would. You may have to initiate the fight depending on your team comp but it is still the basic get 5 stacks and ult a squishy target, repeat. Support Darius is overwhelming because you are swapping out a support that may go in and either create an initiation or help out the adc with A Darius. A 5 stack dunking Darius.
Late Game
Late game you can split push with your mobility boots and dead mans and try to end the game yourself if need be. Unlike most supports that rely on others to win the game late you are a Darius and can if ahead take matters into your own hands. Splitting isn't the most effective method always but is a very good one when it is applied properly. With your W, Spell Blade proc, and demolish you are a Walmart brand rift herald and can cause some serious damage if not dealt with. So either you get a tower or you draw attention to yourself to get objectives elsewhere on the map for your team. Reminder that you are the support and you are causing mass attention to yourself which will in turn infuriate the opponent that they have something like a soraka while you a a beefy noxian man taking turrets.
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