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Karthus Humor Guide by o2o2

AP Carry Nuke Karthus (Swag Mid Lane)

AP Carry Nuke Karthus (Swag Mid Lane)

Updated on October 8, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author o2o2 Build Guide By o2o2 4,341 Views 0 Comments
4,341 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author o2o2 Karthus Build Guide By o2o2 Updated on October 8, 2013
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Introduction to Yolo Swag Karthus

Hi, so you want to have swag and be Yolo when playing karthus !?
Well you need to follow this steps.
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LetĀ“s Start by telling you that karthus is the best champion that you can have mid to teamfight because YOLO !
He can dive all the enemy team, die ... and do a Penta Kill (AWESOME !)
Let me show how to play early, mid and late game
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Early Game

Early Game on karthus is only based on farm
If i ask you want you need to do until lvl. 6 you will answer FARM !!!!!
You will get raped by the enemy champion a lot of times and donĀ“t worry if you die 5 times in a row itĀ“s normal
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Mid Game

When you have the best cap in the game (RabadonĀ“s Deathcap) you can start getting kills and get money, because thatĀ“s all we want.
DonĀ“t forget, you can be the dive master because is passive is op !
DonĀ“t forget to FARM !!!!!!
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Late Game

Best part for Karthus because now you deal tons of damage !
And you can say - IĀ“m the tank ! (When you are not !)
1st step - Deal tons of damage
2nd step - Die
3rd step - Deal tons of damage again
4th step - Press ``RĀ“Ā“
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League of Legends Build Guide Author o2o2
o2o2 Karthus Guide
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Nuke Karthus (Swag Mid Lane)

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide