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Nunu & Willump Build Guide by Whimble

Jungle Nunu & Willump Carry Build

Jungle Nunu & Willump Carry Build

Updated on December 27, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Whimble Build Guide By Whimble 1,179 Views 0 Comments
1,179 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Whimble Nunu & Willump Build Guide By Whimble Updated on December 27, 2024
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Phase Rush
Nimbus Cloak


+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

Nunu & Willump Carry Build

By Whimble
Hey guys,

I'm Whimble, and this is my strategy guide on how to play the early game monster that is Nunu. I maintain a life outside of League, so I generally hover around Diamond, but felt that my strategy was strong enough to warrant a guide.
Early Game
In laning phase, your main objective as Nunu is to be as annoying as possible. During the loading screen, look at your team and the enemy team and decide who is worth ganking. If you have a hyper-carry ADC then they should take priority. This includes champions like Jinx, Draven or Samira. Interestingly, this applies to the enemy team as well. If they have a hyper-carry, spam ganking them is a must in order to shut them down early. If your ADC is playing someone who isn't that strong (or they just suck) then top or mid can take priority. It takes a bit of game knowledge to know who is worth ganking, but it boils down to whether you can picture them winning a 1v3.

An important aspect of Nunu is his ability to perform without gold and XP. Obviously it's nice to get some, but if sacrificing your own gains for your team is worth it, DO IT. Nunu should never reset in the early game unless you can make a strong purchase. As well, spam ganking is a must. Sometimes just rolling into the lane to attempt a gank is worth it. While it gives up your position on the map, it tilts the enemy laner, which is good for you.
Mid Game
When you're not annoying the hell out of the enemy laner, Nunu should be getting objectives. This is another reason why botlane usually takes priority for your ganks. In my opinion, grubs are completely worthless. I have never lost a game and said "Wow, if only I got grubs". Grubs are a consilation prize, not the main target.

As Nunu, you can solo any objetive at level 5. Technically level 4 is valid as well, but the fact you deal 200 less damage with your Q is detrimental. Level 4 objectives should only be done if you can 100% take them.

Also keep ganking. The mindset should be hyper-aggression. DSG (DON'T STOP GANKING)
Baron Spawn
This is the crowning achievement of this playstyle. If you are Emerald or below, SOLO THE BARON

Once a dragon spawns, assuming your teammates are alive, do the baron on your own. Nunu can solo the baron with an item and a half. For example, with sunfire and one of the items that builds into Frozen Heart, Nunu can solo. Ideally you'll be level 11 with full smite. By placing a control ward down or by killing the void scuttle, you can ensure there is no vision on the baron.

Pulling this off takes a great deal of macro, so be careful. Try to get your team to fight for dragon, as most people below Emerald won't suspect the baron play. As well, if your mid or top tries to help, ping them off unless the baron is below 1/4 health. Most people in low elo are stupid enough to "Try to help the jungler" and in doing so, reveal the fact that you're on it.

If you can pull this off, you usually win the game. It's very hard to beat a 20 minute baron play as no one is strong enough to stop the push.
Late Game
If the baron play didn't work, or the game ended up going on too long anyway, you may be cooked.

Nunu sucks in the late game. He isn't tanky enough to survive teamfights anymore if they have mixed damage (if they have all one type of damage you won during the loading screen). Try your best to get dragon soul and to engage teamfights. At this point, the game is in the hands of your teammates (VERY BAD).

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Whimble
Whimble Nunu & Willump Guide
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Nunu & Willump Carry Build

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