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Kayn is a major threat. He is a difficult champion to chase down due to his ability to walk through terrain. Also, your kit relies a lot on hand to hand combat, his ult makes him untargetable which can be very annoying in late game fights.
Evelyn is a major threat only because he ability to charm you, if you have your ult up during this time though, you will kill her easily.
Jax does a major amount of damage mid-late game. Your ult can cancel his stun but a good jax will build attack speed and occasionally have some lifesteal, you have better sustain with your W, but most Jax can play smart and initiate team fights.
Hecarim is very fast, making it difficult to catch him, however, your q can slow him down significantly and you can generally out sustain him in fights.
You don't see many Udyr's in ranked as you think you would. Your kit has slightly better sustain than him but it can still be difficult if he is more skilled.
Vi is an even threat because the amount of damage she can do at an early level, she falls off late game generally but is a problem if she gets a lead.
Lee Sin
Lee sin is more of a close combat champion than olaf surprisingly, Lee Sin, if played right, can easily counter gank you and outplay you hard, while taking you and your laner out. The best way to counter him is avoid him at the beginning unless you notice they are new to Lee Sin. A good Lee Sin player will beat you every time.
Ashe can slow enemies down, which allows Olaf to get to them easier and destroy people, a good Ashe will play around you to ensure both of you survive and get kills.
Champions that have pulls like blitzcrank, Nautilus and Thresh are all the same, if they can stun or pull the enemy it makes olaf's job very easy, he can just unleash his full combo on the enemy champion almost guaranteeing a kill every time.
Same as BlitzCrank
Same as Blitzcrank
Same as Blitzcrank
With Garen's silence, when you gank with him as your laner you will unleash devastating combos, if Garen silences the enemy champion and you slow them, Both you and Garen can use your E and deal a large amount of damage while using your W to sustain the fight.
With tryndamere being undying with his R, your W can sustain you in a gank fight long enough for you and Tryndamere to work together to kill the enemy.
With Urgot's ability to throw enemy champions behind him, this makes it very easy for you and Urgot to deal mass amounts of damage. If Urgot throws an enemy champion behind him and unleash his combo, you can use your Q to slow him down and chase after him allowing both of you to absolutely demolish the enemy champion.
Ashe can slow enemies down, which allows Olaf to get to them easier and destroy people, a good Ashe will play around you to ensure both of you survive and get kills.
Champions that have pulls like blitzcrank, Nautilus and Thresh are all the same, if they can stun or pull the enemy it makes olaf's job very easy, he can just unleash his full combo on the enemy champion almost guaranteeing a kill every time.
Same as BlitzCrank
Same as Blitzcrank
Same as Blitzcrank
With Garen's silence, when you gank with him as your laner you will unleash devastating combos, if Garen silences the enemy champion and you slow them, Both you and Garen can use your E and deal a large amount of damage while using your W to sustain the fight.
With tryndamere being undying with his R, your W can sustain you in a gank fight long enough for you and Tryndamere to work together to kill the enemy.
With Urgot's ability to throw enemy champions behind him, this makes it very easy for you and Urgot to deal mass amounts of damage. If Urgot throws an enemy champion behind him and unleash his combo, you can use your Q to slow him down and chase after him allowing both of you to absolutely demolish the enemy champion.
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