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Olaf Build Guide by flick2261

AD Offtank Olaf: The New Dunkmaster

AD Offtank Olaf: The New Dunkmaster

Updated on June 17, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author flick2261 Build Guide By flick2261 1,315 Views 0 Comments
1,315 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author flick2261 Olaf Build Guide By flick2261 Updated on June 17, 2013
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Olaf is an incredibly strong champion with high late game health, armor, and damage. Following this guide can let you be OP, just as Brolaf says your mother is.
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Pros / Cons

Pros: High late game health, damage armor. Good at chasing.

Cons: Difficult early game, you lose many early trades. If this happens too much, farming is a must.
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Ok, lets say you fed the Darius you were laneing against! That's perfectly fine, once he begins to roam farm the jungle with the ravenous hydra and catch up in CS and gold.

This is recommenced even if you didn't lose your lane, allows you to get your items quicker and be a better tank who can contribute to team fights early and late game
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Team Work

Ult, run to enemy carry, W, E, run out

rinse and repeat, if you see a friendly being chased by an enemy, use your Q to slow
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Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this build!

If not, leave some comments why and I'll work to revise it!

Be gentle! first guide <3
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League of Legends Build Guide Author flick2261
flick2261 Olaf Guide
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Olaf: The New Dunkmaster

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