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Pantheon Build Guide by Revenant994

Pantheon: Fear the Spear (work in progress)

Pantheon: Fear the Spear (work in progress)

Updated on November 26, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Revenant994 Build Guide By Revenant994 1,504 Views 0 Comments
1,504 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Revenant994 Pantheon Build Guide By Revenant994 Updated on November 26, 2013
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I think that a good Pantheon player is shown by his masteries choice.
When I play Pantheon like an Assassin he is pretty squishy, I usually adopt a 21-0-9 set.
  • Double-Edged Sword : nothing to say here, this is a good item for assassins, it allows you to deal an additional 2% damage at the cost of receiving an additional 1% damage
  • Sorcery Many players prefer to put 4 points in Fury and not 4 in Sorcery. However, I prefer 4 points in Sorcery because I think that increasing attack speed on Pantheon means that you have not understood enough your champion. Pantheon is an AD caster, his main force are his skills, so I think is better to put 4 points on Sorcery in order to gain that 5% cooldown reduction which could make the difference between a lucky enemy alive with 10 hp and a deadly Spear Shot thrown right under his tower.
  • Brute Force scaling attack damage? yes of course!
  • Spell Weaving
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Revenant994
Revenant994 Pantheon Guide
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