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Pantheon Build Guide by Mechaon Gott

AD Offtank Pantheon Jungle Guide

AD Offtank Pantheon Jungle Guide

Updated on December 15, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mechaon Gott Build Guide By Mechaon Gott 3,896 Views 0 Comments
3,896 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Mechaon Gott Pantheon Build Guide By Mechaon Gott Updated on December 15, 2015
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Hi Guys,
Thats my first Guide but I wanne to try my best.
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For Jungle u first pick the Q cause it deals a bit more Dmg then an auto attack and has a short cooldown. Second u pick the E because of its passive that u critical hit everything with less then 15% live. Then u take your W cause its strong for ganking. You should first max your Q cause of its low mana costs short cooldown and good damage if u chase your enemy. Then You outmax your E cause its dealing extra Dmg to Champions and is so really strong after u stunt your enemy. Last max your W because its not dealing any Dmg and the stun duration dosen't get longer.
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Start Jung

You can start with Blue or Red it dosen't really matter ! I always start Red then doing Ghost and then Blue and then Gank. But you can also do it the other way arround.
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Early Game

Pantheon is really strong at early and mid Game so try to get your team an atvantage there or u are getting useless. The point with pantheon is if u get an good start, like killing the enemy jungler early or doing good ganks with kills you are kind of OP from then. But this only if you are in front. Then you can make good turnovers with your W, E combo even if your low live. But be always careful at early Game you are really squishy.
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Mid Game

You are getting tanky but you need now much longer to kill enemy champs. In midgame you are helping your team the most because u can start or turn teamfights with your ultimate by doing dmg to nearly the hole enemy team and then can directly effect the AP/AD carry.
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The End

Thanks for reading my Guide pls leave me a comment and you can send me how you scored with my build and I gone put them in here.

Have fun playing Guys
Mechaon Gott
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mechaon Gott
Mechaon Gott Pantheon Guide
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Pantheon Jungle Guide

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