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Taliyah Build Guide by TheOperatorsBox

Middle Patch 6.10 Taliyah Guide [Stoner's Cookbook]

Middle Patch 6.10 Taliyah Guide [Stoner's Cookbook]

Updated on May 11, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheOperatorsBox Build Guide By TheOperatorsBox 5,110 Views 0 Comments
5,110 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TheOperatorsBox Taliyah Build Guide By TheOperatorsBox Updated on May 11, 2016
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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Hey guys! I do not have this section finished, so please read the Rune, Mastery, Skill Order, and Item notes on the mouse-over (says Notes)!

Best perk of Taliyah? She's always stoned ;>

Best perk of Freljord Taliyah? She's a pretty cool girl ;>

Another perk of Freljord Taliyah? BABY MOOSE }:3
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Combos and Mechanics


In laning, harassing, skirmishing, teamfighting, even farming, combos are essential in dominating your opponents. All champions have combos that work better than others, and most have combos that are useful only in certain situations, and you must decide between them. Taliyah has a plethora of combos to use, and I will be giving you 3 essential ones to learn and practice.
You will most likely be poking with Q a lot, but to really get someone to run away, attempt to W them into you, and immediately as you reactivate the ability to knock them up, throw down your E. Throwing your E down first gives them some time to react, but throwing your W gives them no time to react, if you are quick enough. Knock them with a Q to really hurt them.
Stay as close to the wall as possible when roaming to give you extra speed. When you are near, check to see if they have flash up. Ult in, take careful positioning to end up inside the walled off area with them, and to seal off any escape route that is safe. Jump off of the wall towards them by right-clicking towards them, then, if you are next to them, throw your E on them so they are discouraged from dashing. If they flash over the wall, or dash over it, use your W to knock them back over the wall. Use Q whenever possible, avoid Worked Ground.
You have the choice of staying back and using your W to split up the enemy team, using your E to protect carries, and poking from afar with Q, or to be on the front lines. To be on the front lines, you must decide on splitting up the enemy team (using your wall to split the team from each other, making the ones walled in vulnerable) or cutting off their escapes (save your ult for this). Use W and E as always, but throw E earlier to stop dashes from people like Lucian, Yasuo, or Vayne. Use Q for poke and pretty much spam it. When the time for initiation comes from you, W them apart, or R them apart, either is ok. You will not be able to do much but provide dash discouraging, knock ups, and poking, so your team must follow up on your initiation.

However, combos are not everything to dominating your opponents, but they are useful. In fact, the fluidity of your movements and mechanics with Taliyah will be much more influential on your success than the combos will.


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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheOperatorsBox
TheOperatorsBox Taliyah Guide
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Patch 6.10 Taliyah Guide [Stoner's Cookbook]

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