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Soraka Build Guide by Ricola

Support [Platinium]&[Support] Soraka, Hell Of a Heal !

Support [Platinium]&[Support] Soraka, Hell Of a Heal !

Updated on November 8, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ricola Build Guide By Ricola 10,651 Views 0 Comments
10,651 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ricola Soraka Build Guide By Ricola Updated on November 8, 2017
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Who am I ?

Hello everyone !

Welcome to my First Guide !

I'll talk about some stuff on Soraka, you will read, get bored, sleep and keep reading this !

Let's start with a little bit on writing about me.
I'm 25 years old, living in Switzerland but I speak French.
Oh, about that, you will see a lot of mistakes because this is not my native language. Sorry ! but feel free to correct them and sending it back to me =D
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My experience with Soraka

I always play Rakanas THE support as long as I can remember. I started to main her in Season 6 but just for fun.
For the Season 7, I decided to be serious and I went Soraka full time.

So in S7 I had 200 games with soraka, for a 60 % winrate. Not much but I proud of it.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ricola
Ricola Soraka Guide
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[Platinium]&[Support] Soraka, Hell Of a Heal !

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