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Poppy Build Guide by Nutzcracker

Poppy: The offtank killer

Poppy: The offtank killer

Updated on July 27, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Nutzcracker Build Guide By Nutzcracker 10,390 Views 5 Comments
10,390 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Nutzcracker Poppy Build Guide By Nutzcracker Updated on July 27, 2011
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  • LoL Champion: Poppy


Hello my name is Nutzcracker. I made a guide for Poppy. You can build poppy on different ways.

Build number 1. is DPS
Build number 2. is AP
Build number 3. I discovered tottaly on my own. It's Off-tank
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DPS Poppy runes:

for my Marks I choose for 9 Greater Mark of Magic Penetration, because Poppy deals mostly magic damage with her skills. ( Greater Mark of Desolation is also recommended)

for my Seals I choose for 9 Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration, because Poppy's Skills use much mana and sometimes u will be Out Of Mana. (other Seals like Greater Seal of Health are also recommended)

for my Glyphs I choose for 9 Greater Glyph of Magic Penetration, because Poppy deals mostly magic damage with her skills. (other Glyphs like Greater Glyph of Magic Resist are also recommended

for my Quintessences I choose for 3 Greater Quintessence of Desolation
(other Quintessences like Greater Quintessence of Health are also recommended)

AP Poppy runes:

for my Marks I choose for 9 Greater Mark of Magic Penetration

for my Seals I choose for 9 Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration (other Seals like Greater Seal of Ability Power are also recommended)

for my Glyphs I choose for 9 Greater Glyph of Magic Penetration, because Poppy deals mostly magic damage with her skills. (other Glyphs like Greater Glyp of Potency or Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power are also recommended)

for my Quintessences I choose for 3 Greater Quintessence of Magic Penetration, Greater Quintessence of Ability Power are also recommended

Off-tank Poppy runes:

for my Marks I choose for 9 Greater Mark of Magic Penetration

for my Seals I choose for 9 Greater Seal of Armor( Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration are also recommened)

for my Glyphs i choose for 9 Greater Glyph of Magic Resist, Greater Glyph of Magic Penetration are also good for extra damage

for my Quintessences I choose for 3 Greater Quintessence of Magic Penetration, Greater Quintessence of Health is also recommended
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Masteries (9-0-21)

For masteries i picked (9-0-21)

my 9 masterie points in the Offense tree are especially for the 15% Magic Pentration and 3% Cooldown Reduction .

In the Defensive tree aren't extreme good things for Poppy maybe the health or Tenacity

In the Utility tree are lots of good things for poppy. I think the 6% Cooldown Reduction is the best
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Skill Sequence

the best is to max Devastating Blow why? because it will max your damage output
Unlike Heroic Charge what only get some bonus damage.

Paragon of Demacia is a nice skill to have 1 point in at the start because of the movement speed bonus and ofcourse the bonus AD and AR is also nice. This skill max u at last

When u play against a Poppy u will hate her ulti - Diplomatic Immunity the most. lvl up when possible
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Summoner Spells

Top choices:

- Ignite - the extra little damage when u just used ur skills.
- Exhaust - great slow and damage reduction.

Good choices:

- Ghost - with a trinity + Force of Nature /Trinity Force /Lich Bane already fast but not a bad pick.
- Flash - bad for poppy because she is fast and a great escaper and chaser.

Bad choices:

- Cleanse - sucks because with Diplomatic Immunaty u block cc from the rest of their team.
- Heal - It's a free heal so? there are better summoner spells.
- Clarity - Poppy will sometimes be out of mana but I think this is a waste!
Fortity - Fortity - uhmm.. I just dont like it
- Teleport - Like a said Poppy is really fast! move that lazy ***. there are better ones.


- Smite - good if u go jungle but most of the times u wont
- Rally - No NO NOO
- Revive - Don't be a MacLaren
- Clairvoyance - good for supports, gues what? Poppy isn't a support!
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Pros / Cons

-****s up teamfights
-can 2 hit a carry
-great survivability
-great turret diver
-difficult to kill

-bad at farming
-needs Trinity Force/ Lich Bane ASAP
-no ranged attacks
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Tips 'n Tricks

Poppy got some skills that can be used in very different ways(offensive & defensive)

Poppy's passive is a great tanking passive that helps really well

this skill is pretty standard and only used offensive.

(Tip: Use this skill while towerpushing to get the pro of ur sheen/Lich Bane/Trinity Force)

this skill is great because of the speed buff u get.

(Tip: Use this skill while towerpushing to get the proc of ur Sheen/Lich Bane/Trinity Force)

this skill can be very used on very different ways.

way 1. Offensive: charge a champion against the wall to stun.
way 2. Offensive: charge a champion into ur team.
way 3. Offensive/Defensive: interupt a channel to save a teammate.
way 4. Offensive: charge a minion to come closer to a enemy champion.
way 5. Defensive: charge a minion to get further away from a enemy champion
way 6. Defensive/Offensive: charge a champion to get him out of position and confuse him.
(so he cant make this perfect skill combo)

this skill makes poppy poppy and also can be used in different ways

way 1. Offensive: for bonus damage
way 2. Defensive: to be immun for the rest of the damage
way 3. Defensive: use it on a tank to get close too no damage and RUNNN
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Why off-tank?

In this Chapter im going to explain why I think off-tank is the best of all.
I like Dps poppy more then Ap poppy so my build preference is this

1. off-tank
2. DPS
3. AP
4. tank

Wait, wait tanker poppy? yup i saw some poppy's going tank. That's bad why? u got no cc(her charge is hard to place) and no damage. but she is tanky....

Why is AP poppy worse then dps? AP poppy dies faster then dps because of she got no spellvamp or lifesteal(Will of the ancients is bad and hextech is to expensive for AP)

DPS isnt bad but I prefer off-tank why? because after ur ulti is finished ur dead.

Why do I think off-tank is the best?

U got high damage output, a stun and survivability. Is there something better the that?
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this is one of my matches i did with off-tank poppy
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I found a spot to hold enemies off forever u must be top or bot and have laneparter that helps zoning or that needs farm and farms really well. u charge everytime a champ to the wall and hit ur Q, that will do like 50% of their life. just as the screenshot below
(putting it in soon)
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I saw some jungle vids on the internet so maybe it could work. I think she is awesome ganker, so if she can jungle fast she good be effectif.Your text to link here...

all credits to stonewall008.
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The end of my guide

I enjoyed writing this guide and hope this guide helped u. this is my first real guide. (I didn't really put time in my Leblanc build). so I would appreciate Negatif and Positif feedback. As u can see my english isnt the best so I appreciate help and comments and if u finds some words wrong spelled just say it to me :)
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