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Thresh Build Guide by SanLourdes

Support Prepare for Cruelty | Ultimate Thresh Guide

Support Prepare for Cruelty | Ultimate Thresh Guide

Updated on May 5, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SanLourdes Build Guide By SanLourdes 7,417 Views 0 Comments
7,417 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SanLourdes Thresh Build Guide By SanLourdes Updated on May 5, 2021
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Runes: Support Runes

1 2
Font of Life
Bone Plating

Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight

+8 Ability Haste
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2 3 4
Standard TP
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Ability Order Skill Priority

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None
About Me
Hi guys my name is SanLourdes and I have been playing League of Legends since 2019. Although I'm not an LoL Veteran, I am a Thresh main and I earned Mastery 7 on the champion with only 29,326 mastery points, so it's safe to say that I know what I'm talking about. I have an average winrate of 66% with him in solo queue alone, no party chat or teammates. Thresh is my favorite champion in the game and his playstyle is what I enjoy the most. There is nothing more fun than pulling off some insane combos to keep your team alive. I hope you find this guide helpful!
Intro to Thresh

Why and How Should You Play Thresh?

Thresh has always been a strong pick if you wanted to play support and still have fun. He has a high skill cap and potential for some outrageous plays. Thresh is not a champion that you can just pick up and learn in one game. It takes constant improvement on how you control the map, engage and save your teammates. You always have to think ahead, think of the bigger picture. Think of possible outcomes before you even make them. The difference between a good Thresh and a bad Thresh is that a good Thresh sets his teammates up for success before a fight, not just performs well in one. This guide should hopefully show you how to do this and dominate your games.
Build Options Explained

The Runes

Guardian is the best keystone for support Thresh. It can block thousands of damage throughout the course of the game. Font of Life is the next option, as it can provide some good healing in teamfights and to your ADC. Bone Plating is the next option. Always build this rune for an easier laning phase, where Thresh has the toughest time in. If you prefer scaling or you want to build the damage flex build above, choose Conditioning to provide you extra resistance in the mid-late game. Finally, bring Unflinching to make up for the lack of tenacity in the build items. Aftershock is another viable keystone and is a great engage tool if you want to play more aggressive because it can be activated by your Q very easily. Typically, with Aftershock you want to build items more oriented to providing resistances because the rune increases your base resistances by 30 + 80%, which makes the damage flex build for Thresh the best build for this keystone. Aftershock can make you extremely resistant in engages which will be needed, especially when you Q2 into an enemy. It can also provide a solid form of damage.

Biscuit Delivery is very important. The extra sustain in the laning phase is much needed. Cosmic Insight is the next best secondary, as it reduces the cooldown of active and passive effects in your items, as well as giving you summoner spell haste. Since full support Thresh is very item reliant, this is a rune with great value.


Sorcery is the best page for one thing: Transcendence. This rune gives some insane CDR to your abilities. Manaflow Band is the only other rune from the Sorcery page worth mentioning.If you choose to play the damage flex version of Thresh, this page is a better secondary.

The Bonuses
Always take ability haste to reduce cooldowns in case you miss your skillshots and to maximize your ability potential. Extra magic resist and armor are helpful to keep you alive.

The Spells

Teleport is a better option for Thresh support than it is for Thresh tank (better roaming capability), however I still prefer the movement speed boost from Ghost. Heal can help keep you and your ADC alive and is most useful early game. Flash is mandatory for Thresh to pull of certain combos.

Item Choices

Starting Items
Always bring Steel Shoulderguards and a Control Ward. Since we will not be selling Steel Shoulderguards in the late to mid game like we do building tank Thresh, you must take this item. I find that a Control Ward provides much more value than a Health Potion because early game vision control can set up some extremely beneficial ganks and deny the enemy team the lane due to lack of vision.

There are a variety of boots that are viable for Thresh support. With most matchups, Mobility Boots are the best option so you can roam. However, if you enjoy CDR, Ionian Boots of Lucidity are not a bad option either. I wouldn't recommend any other boots on Thresh. We build enough Tenacity in runes for Mercury's Treads to be worth the gold, and Plated Steelcaps don't provide better value for what you get from Ionian Boots or Mobility Boots.

First Back
Usually I buy parts for mythic items first on Thresh. Always go for Aegis of the Legion or Bandleglass Mirror, as these items have multiple stat buffs that will make you stronger.

Locket of the Iron Solari is a great option for Thresh because of the stats it provides. Buying it will instantly make you more resistant to damage, as well as reduce cooldowns on your abilities. The active ability on this item gives all allies in range a shield, which makes this item great for surviving in teamfights. Another alternate mythic, Shurylda's Battlesong is a less popular choice, but is still good nonetheless. I prefer this mythic when the enemy team has higher mobility champions and/or high CC because of its active greatly boosting movement speed and damage. If you believe your team has a lead on the game before you build the mythic, take this item, as the active will help secure even more kills and provide more value than a shield if your team is already strong. If you are wanting to orient your build towards damage, build Sunfire Aegis. This item pairs well in extended fights because you will deal ramping damage around you. The extra tenacity is nice as well. Keep in mind, this item is more expensive, as is the rest of the damage flex build.

Legendary Items
Your legendary choices are based heavily on the matchups and playstyle that you encounter or choose to play, so we will be going into every viable Legendary Item. Usually, you want to balance resistance, health and resource management while still being able to provide some utility to your team, and you will see that every legendary item does this in some way.

Knight's Vow:
One of the best items on Thresh. There is a reason why I include it in every build. This item works extremely well with Thresh because of his already tanky stats and because you can just apply the active onto a fed teammate to make them even stronger. This is the perfect example of a "play around your win condition" type of item. On top of its amazing active, it gives a great health buff. I usually prioritize this item after mythic.

Zeke's Convergence:
Better if built after you have higher health because the damage from its active scales with bonus health. This item is really good on ADCs because they are usually in the back of teamfights out of range and can dish higher damage from afar.

Always take this item if the team has heavy sustain. Grievous Wounds are the best way to combat such champions. Good source of armor and health. If you don't want to fully build Thornmail, build Bramble Vest and wait for the rest of the build.

Vigilant Wardstone:
This item can be very powerful in the right circumstances. Usually taken as a late game item, you can gain so much vision control and take back the map from the enemy team. If your team isn't struggling with map control however, I don't recommend this item.

Also a late game item, best used if teamfights turn out close between you and the enemy team. The heal for teammates and damage against enemies can really turn the tide in your favor. The important part of this item is to time it correctly and remember it takes 3 seconds to fully cast. You can also use it to force the enemy team to flee a teamfight for fear of taking damage.

Abyssal Mask:
This item synergizes well with Thresh's Q. A great source of magic resistance and health as well. Best if used on damage flex Thresh.

Randuin's Omen:
The active of this item is very powerful, especially against AD teams. The slow and crit reduction works really well with your R, since you can just cage enemies and cast the active, slowing them for even more and reducing damage. Definitely take this item if the enemy team has a high AD reliant team.

Frozen Heart:
Best if taken against high AA reliant champions. The attack speed reduction for surrounding enemies will help you survive against engages. A good source of mana and a superb choice for armor.

Spirit's Visage:
This item is great for magic resist and also for sustain because of the high health regeneration buff. 450 extra health is only surpassed by Warmog's Armor, so don't overlook that value either. If you have another healer or shielder on your team, this item is a very good choice.

Warmog's Armor:
The best health item in the game and pairs amazingly with Knight's Vow. Take this item if you want to have high sustain and if you are constantly making small trades. The out of combat regeneration is insane, but remember, you must have at least 3000 health to make the most out of this item. I highly recommend you build Knight's Vow with this item.

Mikael's Blessing:
A good item if the enemy team has high CC because of its active. Other than that, I wouldn't typically build this item.

Gargoyle's Stoneplate:
Best if used on damage flex Thresh because of the resistances you will build up. It provides an amazing shield that you can use to help block incoming damage for your teammates as well.

Elixir of Iron will be the only viable Elixir on Thresh. The movement speed boost to your teammates will be especially useful if you build mobility boots as well.
Early Game
Current Best Bans:

1. Morgana
2. Sivir
3. Zilean
4. Brand
5. Caitlyn

The first thing you will probably do is leash with your jungler if they start out on the bottom side. Use the Homestart speed buff and quickly go straight to the river to ward the small bush in the middle if you think the enemy team will invade. This secures vision so that you can be prepared if the enemy team or jungler invades. After the leash, your next objective is to place a control ward in the bush near your jungle as in the example below. Blue circle = Blue side warding. Red circle = Red side warding.

After you ward, you want to help control the lane with your ADC. If the ADC lacks damage during the early game, help them out by hitting the minions in the back but not completely killing them. This can really help shove the wave into the enemy tower. The best way to manage the lane is to slowly build up a large minion wave and push it into the enemy tower. They will have no choice but to defend, either giving you time to roam and help your jungler, time to take turret platings, land hooks and drag the enemy out from under tower, and so on. When using Steel Shoulderguards and you have your Spoils of War passive ready, try and last hit cannons and not regular minions. This gets the most "bang for your buck" when using the ability. Once you have your Q unlocked, use the threat of it to keep the enemy laners away from from taking their CS. You can also set up ganks for your jungler once you hit level 3. Throw your lantern into the jungle for an easy gap close. Q to hook an enemy and go from there. Constantly ward the jungle and river, and once the drake is up, ward that too. Ward management is one of the most critical parts of playing support role. Save your wards if you know the objective is spawning soon. If the enemy jungler has a pattern in their ganks (ie. Fiddlesticks likes to jump over walls with his ult instead of hiding in bushes), ward around their playstyle. As a support you are partially in charge in helping take objectives with your jungler. Your support priority should be:

1. Helping your ADC get kills
2. Warding your side of the jungle
3. Helping your jungler take objectives
4. Helping your midlaner when needed
Taking Objectives
This is the time of the game that you will want to play around your win condition. This is very important as Thresh as he can often provide the utility needed for one of your teammates to carry the game, whoever they might be. You should splitpush with them and make quick trades against towers, or set up for taking objectives like the drake or if it isn't too late, the Rift Herald. You should never be idle as Thresh. Keep warding the jungle and roaming looking for potential engages to help your teammates. If behind, your best bet is to defend towers and farm with your ADC. Thresh is capable of heavily punishing those who overextend, and you can easily win a fight under tower if the enemy is overconfident. Your priority for midgame should be:

1. Helping your win condition snowball
2. Warding the jungle and objectives
3. Farming in lanes that are unoccupied
4. Looking for teamfights
Late Game
Late game is all about teamfighting. This is where you excel at. If you are building support Thresh, you want to stay in the backline and CC targets that are the biggest threat to your win condition in teamfights. It is your job to engage for your team and then switch to the backline to where you can CC safely. If you have Knight's Vow, DO NOT FRONTLINE. You will completely undermine the ability of the item. Let your teammate take the damage and have it be dealt to you instead. When building this item it is extremely important to not take any extra damage. If you are building the damage flex runes and items, it is ok to frontline, but only if you can decently survive. Since that build is more damage and engage oriented, you usually want to start the fights for your team. Another important part of late game is to not slack off on your warding. Keep on warding the jungle and lanes that have lost towers. This is extremely important and it should be second nature to place a ward in an area where your team is lacking vision. You should always be at your maximum ward limit. After a successful teamfight it is best to take objectives not that they cannot be contested and to take towers and inhibitors. If your team is behind, travel in a group, avoid their win condition and weaken the rest of their team until yours can take on the biggest threat. Once shut down, use the chance as an opportunity to regain lost vision and take objectives. Your late game priority should be:

1. Warding
2. Taking objectives
3. Setting up for a successful teammfight (pings, positioning)
3. Engaging in teamfights
Thresh Tips and Combos

Explanatory Video

Since explaining through text what Thresh combos should be like is not optimal and hard to understand, on top of the fact that Thresh is a severely difficult champion to play, I embedded this helpful video done by another Thresh master. The video is not my own but it sums up perfectly what a pro Thresh does with his abilities. Please support the creator of the video.

Additional Tips

Jungle Camp Escapes
Near midlane, Raptor and Wolf camps can be hit with your Q. You can Q to hook and Q2 to escape from a deadly situation. W before you Q2 if you want to bring another teammate with you.

Minion Engage
Who says your Q has to be only for enemy champions? Q + Q2 a minion to get into a teamfight earlier where it might just turn the tide. You can also Q + Q2 to a minion and then E in the opposite direction to potentially catch an enemy off guard and bring them closer to you or your teammates for a free kill.

Lantern Shield
Your W doesn't have to be solely for your teammates. If you are in a 1v1, the shield from a W might just save you. W on yourself for an extra shield if no teammates are around to assist. There are many ways to use your W, and this is one of them.

The Box
The video above did not cover ways to use your ultimate, so here are a few tips:

- You can Q or E someone back into The Box to break a wall and slow them.
- Using your ultimate to escape or save teammates can be a great option. If your team is low on health and being chased by the enemy, use your R in lane to slow down the enemy. Just keep in mind casting your R will stop your movement for a brief period of time, so make sure you can survive, or plan to sacrifice yourself for your team.
- Ultimate under an ally tower is a powerful tool in the earlier stages of the game. There are countless times where I have baited and taken out enemy champions by casting The Box under the protection of a tower. Trust me, it works, and is especially useful in the early game right after you hit level 6.

The Most Powerful Combo: Q + E
This is Thresh's signature combo, and there is a reason behind it. First of all, it is on a very low cooldown, and you can abuse it late game. Second, it can keep an enemy champion under crowd control for an insane amount of time. If you allow your Q1 to fully animate before hitting Q2, you can extend the max amount of time your victim is helpless. Using your E immediately after extends that duration even more, and by the time they are free from CC, you will have given enough time for you teammates to bring their health down by over a half. Flay the enemy towards you to make it harder for them to escape, unless they are the ones pushing your team.

The Engage Combo: Q + W + Q2 + E
When going for an all-in-push, this combo is your best friend. Partly demonstrated in the video above, Q an enemy, W to allow your teammate to dash to you and become shielded, and Q2 to close the distance, followed by an E towards your team to make it harder for your enemy to escape. You can throw in your R somewhere here if needed, but you usually want to save it for teamfights, not assassinations, so just keep that in mind.

Mana Conservation

In the early game, it is best to conserve your mana. Don't just throw out hooks whenever you can. Make every hook, flay, lantern and box count. It also makes you seem more professional. The less effort you make to land a hook you know you might not land, or a hook that is not very effective, the more professional it will be when you do land a hook.

Dual Vision Control

Once you have Runesteel Spaulders from your upgraded support item, you can take Oracle Lens as you will have enough wards from your item abilities. This gives you a great dual vision advantage, as you can take out traps and wards while also still being able to place your own. Because of the 3 ward limit, the other two wards as your trinkets will be sitting in your inventory for a while without providing any use, so it is usually a good idea to take Oracle Lens after you have enough wards from your support item.

End Guide

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League of Legends Build Guide Author SanLourdes
SanLourdes Thresh Guide
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Prepare for Cruelty | Ultimate Thresh Guide

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