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Qiyana Build Guide by The Elysian1

Jungle Qiyana Jungle Guide

Jungle Qiyana Jungle Guide

Updated on November 5, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The Elysian1 Build Guide By The Elysian1 12 3 25,267 Views 0 Comments
12 3 25,267 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author The Elysian1 Qiyana Build Guide By The Elysian1 Updated on November 5, 2021
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Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

Magical Footwear
Cosmic Insight

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
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Challenging Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Champion Build Guide

Qiyana Jungle Guide

By The Elysian1
Hello there, my name is Elysian. I am Diamond Qiyana main and im playing league since season 3 but in season 9 was my first season I really tried to progress.I was pretty much stuck in Platinum for 2 seasons. I hit Diamond for the first time playing Qiyana jungle and managed to climb my way up to Diamond by the end of the split of season 10. For the first time this year i managed to hit Master but i did not stay long there. I proove that Qiyana is one of the most fun and skilled champions to climb with,I not only managed to play her in the jungle but climb to high elo using this champion.
+ High Mobility
+ Strong Ganker
+ Good clear
+ One-shot killing machine
- Hard to master
- Hard to comeback
- A lot of mental
- Destroyed by CC
ROYAL PRIVILEGE (Passive): INNATE: Qiyana's basic attacks and basic abilities deal 15 − 83 (based on level) (+ 55% bonus AD) (+ 30% AP) additional physical damage to affected enemies.
This effect cannot occur on the same target more than once every few seconds.
Gathering an Element with Terrashape resets Royal Privilege's Cooldown reduction cooldown on all targets that had Royal Privilege applied to them with a different Element or with no Element.
EDGE OF IXTAL (Q): ACTIVE: Qiyana slashes forward in the target direction, dealing physical damage to enemies in a line, reduced to 75% damage against targets beyond the first. Edge of Ixtal deals 150% damage against monsters.
If cast during Audacity's Audacity's dash towards an enemy champion and the target is within 150 units of Qiyana at the end of the dash, Edge of Ixtal will autonomously aim at the target.
TERRASHAPE (W): PASSIVE: While holding an Element, Qiyana gains bonus attack speed, Range 25 bonus attack range and bonus magic damage on her basic attacks on-hit,Audacity and the Elemental Wrath cast that discharges it. While out-of-combat and moving near the Element currently being held, she gains bonus movement speed.
ACTIVE: Qiyana dashes up to 300 units towards the target location while also gathering an Element of the nearest Terrashape BRUSH, Terrashape RIVER or Terrashape TERRAIN she targeted, enchanting her blade.
A target Element is required to cast this ability.
Once Terrashape has been learned, Qiyana is automatically given the Terrashape TERRAIN element upon respawning.
Qiyana can cast any of her abilities during Terrashape.
AUDACITY (E): Qiyana dashes a fixed distance towards the target enemy, dealing them physical damage if they are still in range upon arrival. Qiyana can cast any of her abilities during Audacity.
SUPREME DISPLAY OF TALENT (R): ACTIVE: Qiyana sends a windblast in the target direction that Airborne knocks back all enemies within its path and stops upon hitting terrain. The windblast then creates an erupting shockwave across any RIVER or BRUSH it passes through, as well as around the borders of terrain it reaches, dealing physical damage to all enemies struck, with the percentage damage capped against monsters, Stun stunning them for 0.5 − 1 (based on proximity) seconds, and granting sight of the area along its path each for 0.75 seconds. PHYSICAL DAMAGE:
100 / 200 / 300 (+ 170% bonus AD) (+ 10% of target's maximum health)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The Elysian1
The Elysian1 Qiyana Guide
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Qiyana Jungle Guide

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