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The toughest match up in Qiyana. Xin Zhao has a lot of pressure on early levels, espescially if he hits lvl 3 or 4 before you, because he deals a lot from his W + E + Q combo. In scuttle fights you are in a huge disadvantage if his teammates have prio or you fight scuttler 1v1. Overall the champion can be countered in dominating fights like 2v1s - 3v2s but when you know you can win them. For late game , be carefull from his engages and try to push him back with your R so he can disangage if you fight in the river or the jungle.
Lee Sin
Lee has a huge prio just like Xin Zhao, because his E reveals you in your stealth and you can't use it on such scenerios like 2v2 - 3v3 fights. His Q will also reveal you in bush form which can cause a huge trouble when you are playing close to him , since he can just kick you out and kill you.
Master Yi
Yi has extremly powerfull lvl 3 spike, he can just invade you in the early game , take a free kill and have a huge lead since you can't fight him wiht out a heavy cc dealer. Your champs has those windows for a kill that he just closes due his W and his Q. He is going to demolish your teammates and prorbaly be stronger then you in mid - late game , but if he fells off before mid-late , the game is yours.
Fiddle is kinda the same as Lee , he dominates in the early jungle , since he has faster clear speed and more efficiency in scuttler fights. His W deals you damage if you are in stealth , but that is obv when you are in his range. I suggest to scale in early and don't make fights with him , till you get eclipse. Eclipse will allow you to one shot him in a wall / river / bush with your R + Q + W +Q combo without him healing fast as F.
Talon can be really dangerous but i would say he is not an extreme Threat. A good Talon will invade you in early levels since he plays on ign and force fights. If he is playing on electrocute he should be stronger since his combo will burst you down. If you are able to dodge his W + Q , you may have a chance of winning. Don't forget his R strikes you down EVEN if you are in stealth.
Ekko can be really efficent in late game if he take a big lead. His kit provides him with a lot of damage and escapes routes that Qiyana can't handle. Forcing fights with him in the early game should be fine but only if you have prio on lanes , or he is low hp.
I would say Rek'sai is another major counter. Her kit is allowing her to burst a lost of your hp with her full combo. She can reveal you in ur stealth with her W's passive and she is overall stronger since she can just dash on you with proweler's and that's it for you. She is not a problem if you have eclipse and a little bit of lead , you can just catch her off guard on a camp or team fight and one shot her.
I prefer going conq into him , since i can take longer fights with him , esp if they have some ap , you will probably have wits end and you will heal for the same as him. Not that strong but his ganks and jungle clear are better then yours. Try to counter gank.
A lot of armor , babysitting midlane mostly and just annoying kit. Try to outgank him , or force fights where you are sure you can win. Pinks suggested, serylda's Serpant needed.
His early game is sweaty since he can force fights with his teammates , esp on river or your jungle. Take care for invades with strong supports like leona , alistar because their kits + his cointains a lot of CC that is not escapeable. Late game - pretty much useless most likely becasue he is a tank and his job as AoE user is to catch you and your team in a CC box. Picks on him like 2v1s - 3v1s should be amazing for you and your teammates.
She is off - meta most of the times , but a good lead on her is enough. She will chace you down till you burn to death. Try oneshoting her when you have eclipse and just outscale her when powerfarming. She is more of even - minor threat but her Ultimate is strong so it's a big threat for you and your teammates.
Strong early game but no a huge threat. Just be aware of her Cacoon and you should be fine. DO NOT FORCE SCUTTLE FIGHTS IF THEY HAVE PRIO. Your game will be lost , since she just one shots you in cacoon.
Jarvan IV
A good jarvan player will sit on lanes and just wait for the perfect moment to make a gank. Try coutnerganking him and clear more camps so you have lvl advantage. He is pretty strong in the early - mid game but your build is stronger. Eclipse +Serpents + Serylda's is just another level of insanity. Try Counter Ganking him and do not fight for scuttler without any prio once again. Pinks suggested.
His recent nerf made him weak but if he gets a little bit of lead or some DH stacks , the game can be over. Try catching him with your teammates in his jungle and making simple picks to make him fall off. He is not that strong in early if he doesn't have first item. Your kit is better to fight him then any other jungler. I suggest buying pinks and putting them in his jungle so you can counter gank him and one shot him ASAP.
Her clear spead is something amazing , she can always be healthy since her E gives her a lot of healing. Good nidalee player will focus on clearing and counter ganking if she is playing against a Qiyana. If not , try to outgank her and catch her in the river where she can't run from your R. Pinks suggested
Another babysitter... His clear speed is good , can say better since the last Q nerf on Qiyana. He can have a good control of your jungle and pretty much dominate you in a 1v1 scenerios. He is weak in 2v1s - 3v2s so atch him of guard. The moment he hits 6 , try counter ganking him and play for more obj. His late game is weak since you can just root him and do your R combo.
Nunu & Willump
And another babysitter... Just an ugly champion, never liked him. He will probably lvl 2-3 gank a lane so just focus on scaling becasue you outscale him hard , try to fight when he is on other lane , and mostly use your R to secure drake. Overall counter ganks are unescapable if he catches you and not your teammate. Rough matchup but late game he is useless. I suggest to ban him.
His R is a lot stronger for 1v1s - 1v2s but overall late game you should be more usefull then him. Try to scale or if you have a lead , snowball so he falls off.
He is kinda strong in his early game , but that's due PTA. Don't force 1v1s and try to play for objs. He has weak gank set ups and overall his kit is not allowing you to 1v1. Just focus on counter ganking ant playing around your team when needed. He is a good splitpusher so that makes him Even of Threat for Qiyana.
Don't fight before eclipse. Obv she has better gank set ups but you outjungle her and have more of snowbally game play. Her damage is insane in 1v1s so if you get caught , try to escape with your W.
Another not a big deal champ but his passive makes him Even of Threat for Qiyana. 1v1s can be dangerous but if you have a lot of CC chain with your teammates try finding a window to shut him down. He will probably invade you , so put pink wards in your jungle.
Meh , it's Gragas. His clear spead isn't something special , you should be fine. He is lowkey useless in late , but Eclipse should fix it. Try Snowballing the most gankable lane in the match and if that's not the case just counter gank him. Pinks are suggested
Not a big deal , he will probably powerfarm like Evelynn and just scale till late. Recent nerfs made his early weak , but in late he can be a problem. Buy Serpant if he has Shieldbow. His ganks ain't the best , but he can clear with ulty. You have more impacth on the game so focus on ganking.
Not a big deal. Eclipse is doing the work for you. Overall just play for six , and don't get picked in the early game. When he jumps on you , get in stealth then try to run , or one shot him. But do not get in stealth while his R is active , since his Ult reveals you.
Not a big deal , her kit is strong due CC chain. Just be carefull with her ult , overall on ganks , just kill the other guy , not her. You have better scale then her , since she can't carry solo. Maybe if there's a Yuumi on her back , but that's 10% chance.
Easy early game for you. He will probably spam gank mid / bot but you can't really do anything about it. Just focus on clearing , putting pink wards in your jungle and just pressure him after his gank. Maybe catch him in river when he has no Q , or just one shot him when he is walking close to you.
A lot of damage overall , but he is not the best jungler. 2v2s can be dangerous , so just scale till you buy eclipse and try to counter gank him. He can be a threat for your teammates because of his R denying towers. Try focusing on late game and fight his teammates. Serylda's is better against him then Serpant.
Weak early , strong only in her dragon form for her E magic damage. No one plays Shyvana , in my opinion she is useless. She has faster clear then you , so focus on counter ganking her and taking fights or trades that you win. R combo will do the job
He is off - meta , and his ganks are not good. If he has engager like Rell , Leona , Thresh he can be usefull since he will stun you then deal most of his damage with R or Q and let his teammates to finish you off. Obj can be easly contested since he is not so strong in the early game in 2v1s - 3v2s.
Not a big deal. Just stronger 1v1s and overall late game CC chain should do the job. Antiheal is needed. Counter gank him , and try to take obj when he is not around.
Same thing about Warwick , but he is not that strong in 1v1s. Counter gank him and try to take obj when he is not around.
Strong ultimate you can use , when you are in stealth. Wait for his W in the river or around a wall where you can push the enemies, stun them and theal a lot of AoE with your Q.
Goes same as Galio.
Good teamfights with her , she can peel a lot for you esp if she is your premade. Try more fights in the river since she can catch them for you and you just have to clean it up.
His ultimate is strong so try to babysit him a little bit so he gets some ego boost.
Good R, a lot of damage , and his E is just perfect to make a teamfight or set up a lane gank.
Tahm Kench
Easy gank set up , strong laner , just a frog broski. He is a lil carry on toplane and a good champ to have in the team.
Good to have around , he is your PP protector. The life savier - God Taric. A lot of healing , CC , Shields, Immortality. You just have literally God next to you.
Her shields are great , she can protect you and polymorph the stronger enemy to deny him of one shotting you. Good to have as premade in low - mid elo , but if the lulu player has no brain , you will be doomed overall...
Same as lulu , she even helps you clear faster , gives you a lot of heals , adaptive force and has a rooting ultimate.
Leona - Her R has a lot of advantage for you. Try playing around her so she can have the lead with your adc.
Kennen - A lot of CC for a toplaner, try to use it.
Goes well when bush camping , or forcing fights in the river. He should tank a lot , so you can clean up some kills.
Thresh - He has a lot of abilities that he shouldn't miss. Overall his kit allows you to force more fights since his lantern uses a lot of pressure on the enemies when they see you. Try pushing them into a wall or bush so you can win his lane and make him roam.
Strong to fight on botlane with. Same as Thresh.
The same scenerio as for Thresh and Nauti.
The powerfull cow God. Just dominate his lane please, he wants to roam and win you the game.
Good synergy with his R and his knock up when ganking his lane or fighting somewhere. Let him scale so you can win.
Good synergy with your Ult , you don't have to always hit it , just knock up the enemy so he can R or ingage.
Good midlaner to play around , but she is squishy af. She has a good gank set up and she has a lot of DPS.
I mean his E gives a lot of prio for you so you can tell him to play around you. Good to have Swain around scuttler. Good kit to assist with.
He is fine , he speeds up a lot , you can have fun with his Qs on you. Try playing around him since he has great set up with the slow and Q + W + Q combo.
Strong ultimate , help her on botlane , so she can have a lead and scale.
Strong ultimate you can use , when you are in stealth. Wait for his W in the river or around a wall where you can push the enemies, stun them and theal a lot of AoE with your Q.
Goes same as Galio.
Good teamfights with her , she can peel a lot for you esp if she is your premade. Try more fights in the river since she can catch them for you and you just have to clean it up.
His ultimate is strong so try to babysit him a little bit so he gets some ego boost.
Good R, a lot of damage , and his E is just perfect to make a teamfight or set up a lane gank.
Tahm Kench
Easy gank set up , strong laner , just a frog broski. He is a lil carry on toplane and a good champ to have in the team.
Good to have around , he is your PP protector. The life savier - God Taric. A lot of healing , CC , Shields, Immortality. You just have literally God next to you.
Her shields are great , she can protect you and polymorph the stronger enemy to deny him of one shotting you. Good to have as premade in low - mid elo , but if the lulu player has no brain , you will be doomed overall...
Same as lulu , she even helps you clear faster , gives you a lot of heals , adaptive force and has a rooting ultimate.
Leona - Her R has a lot of advantage for you. Try playing around her so she can have the lead with your adc.
Kennen - A lot of CC for a toplaner, try to use it.
Goes well when bush camping , or forcing fights in the river. He should tank a lot , so you can clean up some kills.
Thresh - He has a lot of abilities that he shouldn't miss. Overall his kit allows you to force more fights since his lantern uses a lot of pressure on the enemies when they see you. Try pushing them into a wall or bush so you can win his lane and make him roam.
Strong to fight on botlane with. Same as Thresh.
The same scenerio as for Thresh and Nauti.
The powerfull cow God. Just dominate his lane please, he wants to roam and win you the game.
Good synergy with his R and his knock up when ganking his lane or fighting somewhere. Let him scale so you can win.
Good synergy with your Ult , you don't have to always hit it , just knock up the enemy so he can R or ingage.
Good midlaner to play around , but she is squishy af. She has a good gank set up and she has a lot of DPS.
I mean his E gives a lot of prio for you so you can tell him to play around you. Good to have Swain around scuttler. Good kit to assist with.
He is fine , he speeds up a lot , you can have fun with his Qs on you. Try playing around him since he has great set up with the slow and Q + W + Q combo.
Strong ultimate , help her on botlane , so she can have a lead and scale.
Hello there, my name is Elysian. I am Diamond Qiyana main and im playing league since season 3 but in season 9 was my first season I really tried to progress.I was pretty much stuck in Platinum for 2 seasons. I hit Diamond for the first time playing Qiyana jungle and managed to climb my way up to Diamond by the end of the split of season 10. For the first time this year i managed to hit Master but i did not stay long there. I proove that Qiyana is one of the most fun and skilled champions to climb with,I not only managed to play her in the jungle but climb to high elo using this champion.
+ High Mobility + Strong Ganker + Good clear + One-shot killing machine
- Hard to master - Hard to comeback - A lot of mental - Destroyed by CC
ROYAL PRIVILEGE(Passive): INNATE: Qiyana's basic attacks and basic abilities deal 15 − 83 (based on level) (+ 55% bonus AD) (+ 30% AP) additional physical damage to affected enemies.
This effect cannot occur on the same target more than once every few seconds.
Gathering an Element with Terrashape resets Royal Privilege's Cooldown reduction cooldown on all targets that had Royal Privilege applied to them with a different Element or with no Element.
EDGE OF IXTAL(Q): ACTIVE: Qiyana slashes forward in the target direction, dealing physical damage to enemies in a line, reduced to 75% damage against targets beyond the first. Edge of Ixtal deals 150% damage against monsters.
If cast during Audacity's Audacity's dash towards an enemy champion and the target is within 150 units of Qiyana at the end of the dash, Edge of Ixtal will autonomously aim at the target.
TERRASHAPE(W): PASSIVE: While holding an Element, Qiyana gains bonus attack speed, Range 25 bonus attack range and bonus magic damage on her basic attacks on-hit,Audacity and the Elemental Wrath cast that discharges it. While out-of-combat and moving near the Element currently being held, she gains bonus movement speed. ACTIVE: Qiyana dashes up to 300 units towards the target location while also gathering an Element of the nearest Terrashape BRUSH, Terrashape RIVER or Terrashape TERRAIN she targeted, enchanting her blade.
A target Element is required to cast this ability.
Once Terrashape has been learned, Qiyana is automatically given the Terrashape TERRAIN element upon respawning.
Qiyana can cast any of her abilities during Terrashape.
AUDACITY(E): Qiyana dashes a fixed distance towards the target enemy, dealing them physical damage if they are still in range upon arrival. Qiyana can cast any of her abilities during Audacity.
SUPREME DISPLAY OF TALENT(R): ACTIVE: Qiyana sends a windblast in the target direction that Airborne knocks back all enemies within its path and stops upon hitting terrain. The windblast then creates an erupting shockwave across any RIVER or BRUSH it passes through, as well as around the borders of terrain it reaches, dealing physical damage to all enemies struck, with the percentage damage capped against monsters, Stun stunning them for 0.5 − 1 (based on proximity) seconds, and granting sight of the area along its path each for 0.75 seconds. PHYSICAL DAMAGE:
100 / 200 / 300 (+ 170% bonus AD) (+ 10% of target's maximum health)
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