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Testing Game
-Has pretty good clear time
-Above average ganks with Vault and Tag Team
-Deals massive damage late game.
-Gives a possibility for two massive dealing damage champions (ADC)
-Counter-mechanism for gap-closer- Vault
-Low sustain before Vampiric Scepter.
-Vunerable to counter-jungling unless performed well
-Has lower range then most ADC, yet she has more range than most junglers
-Risky to gank a warded lane since she has lower HP than most junglers
-Has pretty good clear time
-Above average ganks with Vault and Tag Team
-Deals massive damage late game.
-Gives a possibility for two massive dealing damage champions (ADC)
-Counter-mechanism for gap-closer- Vault
-Low sustain before Vampiric Scepter.
-Vunerable to counter-jungling unless performed well
-Has lower range then most ADC, yet she has more range than most junglers
-Risky to gank a warded lane since she has lower HP than most junglers
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