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All your physical damage will just go through her black shield and cut her up like butter. But watch out for the dark binding, even with all the tank runes and masteries you are still prone to being locked down and poked until you are run dry of all your cookies which will hamper your aggressive laning.
Braum has Unbreakable and that will probably prevent you from blinding the ADC. If the Braum catches on to your plan, he will continuously use Unbreakable. But with careful aiming and timing, you can slip through the unaware Braum or you can bait out the shield once you noticed that he has been using it to block the Blinding Assault.
He is going to be quite hard because his hook will devastate you or your ADC even if you can blind the enemy ADC or vault away from the Blitzcrank. It may seem like your kit can counter him but getting hooked can leave you helpless especially if he is standing beside you preventing you from throwing the bird at his ADC.
Thresh is equally as annoying as Blitzcrank due to the hook but even worse because he has the lantern for follow-up ganks or for saving his ADC from getting poked down by you. On top of that, a good Thresh would probably know how to flay in reverse when you attempt to do a vault harassment or vault engage.
Sona is so-so because you can actually outdamage her even through her sustain and poke. If she attempts to run away with her ADC when they are in trouble, the bird-form chase down will make her wish she tried to fight you instead. On the other hand, Crescendo is also an annoying skill to use on a squishy engager. In the early game, you are still squishy so watch out for that level 6 flash-Crescendo combo.
Attempting to even harass Zilean will net you with a bomb or two (and auto attacks) to the face due to his range. Your engage can be shut down because of his slow and all your efforts to burst down him or his ADC will be nullified by his ultimate. When he or his ADC reach 6 first due to that annoying passive, there is no way to all-in them without letting them overextend.
This guy is too easy to counter with Quinn. His engage is too desperate and his cooldowns will cripple him when you waste his combo by vaulting him when he engages you or vaulting his ADC when your ADC is stunned. You can just waste his mana by proc-ing Harrier every now and then on him or his ADC. He can kick you away when you are in bird-form but that's what vault is for.
Soraka is easy because she has no stable disable. Although she can heal up that ADC almost unendingly, you can also throw that low cost bird to blind them unendingly due to the mana regen from your runes, masteries, and ancient coin.
Nami is annoying only because she can throw the bubble on your return point or simply ignore you and bubble your ADC. However, your immense speed can easy beat out her tidal wave.
It's been tried out, Zenith Blade can be cancelled by a well timed vault, similar to how Thresh's flay can do the same. Leona is so easily kited and you can ruin her autoattack-shieldbash-autoattack combo by blinding her as well which can give you and your ADC ample time to dodge the rest of her skills and waste her time/mana.
Although not a popular support, it is still being done. But if they even attempt to out-pocket-pick you, they are so wrong, Kayle has no way to beat you because you can blind her and make her waste her time trying to fan you with her sword. She has no way of engaging that a simple vault cannot get away from. Due to your relative short cooldowns, accidentally blowing some of your spells on anyone she uses her ulti on wont be too much of a waste.
She has a lot of straight/multiple direction CC which can cripple your attempts to engage her and her team. Her shield will be annoying to chunk down because you have no damage. This means everything is riding on your ADC to do significant damage. She can cast exhaust on the ADC and repeatedly use CC's on you such that her ADC will get tons of free hits with bonus damage from Storm Shield.
While part of her kit can cripple your ADC, at the very least, you can help in the all-in effort. Take note: Her rocket jump can also be cancelled by your vault.
Everything about Quinn can counter the Twitch meta. If he attempts to reposition and/or find a bend of fog of war to hide, you can cast your W to keep an eye on him even if it cannot reveal. Diving at him while he attempts to use Ratatatat can cause him to misfire his ultimate or you can blind him to waste his time.
While he can actually use spells to beat you, you can still, again, cancel his Valkyrie with your vault. The Blinding Assault can still definitely do a number on Corki who relies on weaving auto attacks with his spells.
Similar to Corki, Kogmaw also tends to weave auto attacks. However, he focuses more on auto attacks which makes him a more vulnerable target for Quinn especially since he has no escape. Once he has used up his Void Ooze you can enter the fray and distract him until an assassin or a bruiser can stick on him and kill him. Otherwise, his % health damage can melt through all those Kindlegems you bought.
She relies heavily on auto attacks and like Kogmaw, she has no escape. With the items you will get, you can easily take a shot for your ADC whether it is her Zap or her ultimate. Blinding her also prevents her from attempting to shoot over you with Fishbones.
Caitlin is gonna be annoying in the laning phase because of her high range but once you reach 6 you can all-in her and get your ADC into the action. Like a lot of the slow, non-blinking escapes, you can cancel it easily with vault.
Graves can be a bit of a hassle due to his True Grit and Smokescreen. Moreover, he is reliant on his spells to do burst damage compared to other ADC's. This is going to be a bit worse because if you try to engage him, the closer you get the more damage his Buckshot will do. Still, nothing like a blind to cripple any ADC in a fist fight.
Some may be thinking that this is expected, some may claim this is so wrong due to her shred potential. But just as many before said an ADC Quinn can counter Vayne, so can the support Quinn. Unlike Kogmaw, her shred is dependent on how many attacks she can throw out while kiting. With you distracting her, blinding, vaulting her, slows, and keeping sight on her attempts to kite. She will have an extremely hard time free-hitting your team.
Hello to All! I am Situpattenggang. No, the name is not Arabian, Indian, Filipino, Chinese, or Vietnamese. It's Indonesian. I am a diamond tier support player from the Garena-PH server. I have tried all the lanes in the length of time I have played League of Legends but I only recently fell in love with the support role again. I'm experienced in playing as a support since Season 1 of LOL and the days of HON, DOTA, and other MOBAs. It's by far the easiest role and the most rewarding. I prefer not to create guides for conventional supports or those in the current meta. That's why we have Lemmonation and Aphromoo, or you can just watch Mata, Lustboy, Madlife, etc. at work on stream or YouTube. Yes, I am an avid fan of the professional scene and I have experience in all of the supports (including Taric, Soraka, Kayle).
"Support is easy!" - Aphromoo
Are You Crazy?! (Report Situ for Trolling and Assisting the Enemy Team)
Are You Crazy?! (Report Situ for Trolling and Assisting the Enemy Team)
No, I'm not crazy. Quinn is by far a very underrated hero because she fell out of the ADC meta a long time ago (if she was even there to begin with). She can be taken to other lanes and has been known to tank, then do some analysis. Check the skills, except for the ultimate, what can she offer as a support? She seems viable in many roles but can she support? Let's move on.
Pros / Cons
Pros / Cons
-Can deny enemy ADC's CS using Blinding Assault
-A simple solution to the face-check dilemma absolutely FOR FREE
-Low range ADC? Medium range support with a safe/low-cost lane poke
-Can cancel enemy dashes and channeling abilities using Vault
-Insane mobility, roam, peel, kite, execute, and chase
-Perfect in the pick-comp (Will elaborate further later on)
-Surprise factor (Even more than a pocket pick)
-Quite squishy in the early game
-Vault harassment can be VERY dangerous (Life is about taking risks)
-No sustains, no heals, no shields, no buffs, no cleanse mechanic
-Easy to overestimate the damage output
-No known way to stop direct burst from skill based assassins
In the Philippines, we have venues called Internet Cafes or "Comp Shops". I know I should have taken pictures of the reactions of the opponents who challenged us to a friendly custom game when I picked Quinn to support my Vayne ADC. Kids were like "He's gonna do it... he's lost it". Fulfilling. Biggest achievement S4. :)
Pretty straight forward as if you're playing a tanky Sona or a Braum, except you need more mana regen. Armor and magic resistance for general survivability in lane and small fights, coupled with some health just for the off chance you get lucky in an ignite fight.
Also very straight forward. Imagine you are playing a physical damage ranged support. Same, you need all the gold generating masteries especially the pickpocket. Since Quinn's aura items are key to her overall utility, accumulating as much non-CS gold as you possibly can would greatly speed up the snowball. When Harrier is applied on any of the champs, you can take advantage by hitting them and walking away with your additional 3 gold and bonus movement speed. Again, you can shake it up because Quinn is more versatile than most players think.
There are only three ways to go about this.
1. EXHAUST and FLASH (For crippling the damage dealers in small fights, my fave)
2. IGNITE and FLASH (For murdering the healer support)
3. HEAL and FLASH (For ADC's who like barrier)
Any other ideas?
Skill Sequence
Skill Sequence
By now, you may be convinced but you probably think Heightened Senses can offer more utility in the Early-Mid game where objectives are being fought for right? I beg to differ. Max it last because your play making will come from the blind and the Vault. The reason is because you have CDR items to help cut the cooldown of your reveal and you only need to do it every now and then due to your wards and scanner sweep. At around 30% CDR, the cooldown is short enough such that Heightened Senses can be used way more times than a scrying orb. Plus, you can save 1 ward which people usually put in the middle of the lane, by using the W whenever it coolsdown while the team fight dancing begins. At least, you have 1 more ward to place on the sides to protect against assassins or a sidewinding Wukong/Malphite ready to set up a wombo.
Team Work (Poke-Pick Comp)
Team Work (Poke-Pick Comp)
More or less, you are already assuming that there is a lot of disengaging involved along with poking, warding, and chasing. Quinn is very strong in providing vision for the team while offering a mediocre but oddly useful peel. Vault and blind seems to be Quinn's strongest assets and should be used to stop enemies from getting close to the carries. I have discovered that with enough CDR, the cooldown of your ultimate will be close to 40 seconds allowing you to traverse the map, lay wards and scout efficiently (without the need for a Boots of Mobility) Moreover, once the poke comp has succeeded and 2 or more enemy champions have either been separated or forced to recall, you can use the ultimate to set up a very nasty pick on one of them. Vaulting while in bird-form will cause you to leap onto an enemy slowing him heavily and forcing him into a panicked state allowing for teammates to catch up, follow up with some damage, and kill the escapee with or without the second active of Tag Team. Note: This is where the Talisman, Zekes, and Captain augment comes in.
Team Work (Clash-Comp)
Team Work (Clash-Comp)
With all your auras and tankiness, there is no reason for you not to dive in with your primary engager. With a leap in like Jarvan's, you can easily follow up with some damage and help your tanks distract the enemy such that your ADC and mage will be free to do damage in the most efficient way they see fit. Furthermore, if your primary engager fails in reaching the ADC, you will most likely be able to catch him out because of Tag Team's movement speed bonus and the range of leap. While you can probably not do enough damage to scare away or kill the ADC, you can force him to panic and kite the wrong way, probably causing his support to blow CC's on you. At this rate, all you can do is keep the clash in sights of your team and continuously pester each member of the enemy team with your blind and vault. Re-engaging to protect the ADC is no problem too since Tag Team has a very long duration and vault has a very short cooldown. You can immediately jump back to a not-so-tanky fighter pursuing your ADC and blind him then block his way by slowing him down, knocking him back, blinding him, and just standing in between him and your ADC.Note: This also is where the Talisman, Zekes, and Captain augment comes in.
At times, to put it simply, you have to FEED TO WIN. Thanks Darien, we will always remember you.
Unique Tricks
Unique Tricks
Certain supports need the Homeguard boot augment in order to get around and place wards and only very few can fully utilize the Captain augment. First of all, she actually has a decent waveclear and a monster-lane creating mechanic using Blinding Assault. The Captain augment increases the movement speed of nearby minions. Next, with masteries, passives from Talisman, ultimate, and mercury treads, you are basically flying at around 480-520 movement speed on average and will certainly outrun your allies thus applying the 10% movement speed increase to your allies who wish to continue the chase. Finally, though I only recently discovered the bird-form ward-scout trick when 2 of my allies died in a fight and I was forced to scout the area of Baron, the trick made me realize how short Tag Team's cooldown when running full support items. If you have the luxury of time to wait for your cooldowns, you can periodically use Tag Team to intercept escaping enemies, scout for pink wards, or to simply get away and re-engage from another angle (Probably using the Tag Team, Flash, Vault, Auto, Blind, Auto, Arrow Shower for a very INTENSE surprise)
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