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I consider quinn a pretty good top because i can beat some solo laners and has high damage and surviving capability. It's also fun to play when you got bored of the usual toplaners.
- Engage fights with auto attacks. If they counterattack, use E and then use Q to blind them. However this won't work on some champions: Rumble, Teemo, Renekton or Garen (Garen will silence you and you won't be able to fight). Moreover it is risky against some champions like Nasus, Pantheon, Warwick.
- Try to take sheen as fast as possible as it gives you an imense power
- Only take Infinity if you want to build damage (TONS OF DAMAGE)
- Engage in fights, then if they try to run, use ult to jump on them and use the seond part of the ult to execute your unworthy opponent
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