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Quinn Build Guide by TakeItEazy

AD Offtank Quinn, top lain carry

AD Offtank Quinn, top lain carry

Updated on March 19, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TakeItEazy Build Guide By TakeItEazy 3,509 Views 0 Comments
3,509 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TakeItEazy Quinn Build Guide By TakeItEazy Updated on March 19, 2013
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I builded simple, popular AD carry runes (early magic resist, armor resist, and AD runes) becose you have some defence from masterys + you can always poke enemy from your range attack's so he won't try to kill you.
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Quinn is AD carry champ which have a blind, slow and she can easily escape from the enemy with her R ability, so i finked... Why she can't be Top lane off tank than she have survive skill's, its not realy different from veyne top lane but Quinn ultimate is more top laner becose she get's movement speed and deals mass damage. All whout you need to do for winning and pushing enemy top lane turret like hell to poke him hard all the time he is in range of you because with this early AD build you deal a lot of damage, and hope that he will be marked by your passive who deals bonus damage to the enemy from auto attack. Good luck with carrying the game, and don't forget to poke, poke, poke :)
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I builded Tank masterys for Ad carry to have defence's against enemys becose you won't have a support near you but still need to have an point on arp skill (offense masterys).
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Quinn is AD carry so he won't have a lot of hp or defence's that's why i picking long sword with x2 health potion's on starting, and at next backing from lain buying one more Long Sword and buying Vampyrick Scepter for heal uping my self in lain (Laiter building from it BT).
This some cheap AD items to do bigger poke dmg from auto atack's to the enemy with your passive, and if you losing lain you can clean minnion's wave's faster (afcorse don't forget to last hitting tham).
Top lane is for full tank champs or off tank's so you must buy some health, so the best way to do it is The Black Clever, Frozen Mallet. With tham you will have about +3k hp in end game and in mid game about +2.5-2.6k hp, it will help you to survive in team fight's.
And + Black clever add's you arp who ignores your enemy's armor, and you makein bigger damage to tham, so than you have almost all part's of build you buy Last Whisper to ignore more enemy armor to make more damage to tham.
And the last one is Zephyr, he give's you attack speed, some AD, 10 movement speed, but you need to buy it because of his passive (Tenacity). So you will not be in cc for a long time, of your Defence masterys and Zephyr that will help you to make more dmg in team fight's and to catch running enemy's.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TakeItEazy
TakeItEazy Quinn Guide
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Quinn, top lain carry

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